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Thread: Requirements for the application of marriage license

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  1. #1
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    Requirements for the application of marriage license

    Hot from City Hall Manila. This morning from kingy
    Might be handy for some if it isnt posted elsewhere!

    1. Certified true copy of birth certificate OR baptismal certificate of BOTH applicants.
    2. Community Tax Certificates/Cedula of BOTH applicants.
    3. One (1) photo I.D. (coloured or black and white) of EACH applicant.
    4. Certificate of Family Planning: There is no age limit for Family Planning, however, couples for 24 years and below need to attend Family Planning sessions, and Marriage Counseling. These sessions are scheduled for one-half day within the premises of the City Hall.

    If Applicant is a Foreigner, requirements are:
    1. Photocopy of Passport (showing Data and Date of Arrival).
    2. Certificate of LEGAL CAPACITY TO MARRY issued by their respective Diplomatic or Consulate Officials;
    3. If divorced, copy of Final Decree of Absolute Divorce;
    4. Certificate of Family Planning & Marriage Counseling & Responsible Parenthood.

    1. Parents' Consent (for 18-21 y/o)
    2. Parents' Advice (for 21-25 y/o)
    3. One of the applicants must be a resident of the place where they will apply for the marriage license.
    4. The marriage license will be issued on the 11th day after the 10th day posting period upon submission of the application for marriage license. License expires 120 days from the date license was issued.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Hot from City Hall Manila. This morning from kingy
    Might be handy for some if it isnt posted elsewhere!

    1. Certified true copy of birth certificate OR baptismal certificate of BOTH applicants.
    2. Community Tax Certificates/Cedula of BOTH applicants.
    3. One (1) photo I.D. (coloured or black and white) of EACH applicant.
    4. Certificate of Family Planning: There is no age limit for Family Planning, however, couples for 24 years and below need to attend Family Planning sessions, and Marriage Counseling. These sessions are scheduled for one-half day within the premises of the City Hall.

    If Applicant is a Foreigner, requirements are:
    1. Photocopy of Passport (showing Data and Date of Arrival).
    2. Certificate of LEGAL CAPACITY TO MARRY issued by their respective Diplomatic or Consulate Officials;
    3. If divorced, copy of Final Decree of Absolute Divorce;
    4. Certificate of Family Planning & Marriage Counseling & Responsible Parenthood.

    1. Parents' Consent (for 18-21 y/o)
    2. Parents' Advice (for 21-25 y/o)
    3. One of the applicants must be a resident of the place where they will apply for the marriage license.
    4. The marriage license will be issued on the 11th day after the 10th day posting period upon submission of the application for marriage license. License expires 120 days from the date license was issued.
    That was what my wife got dispensation on....she was 23 at the time so in theory needed to do it. It helped us a lot with my limited available timeframe.

  3. #3
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    Hehehehe good news.....
    Went to registrar and only have to wait 15 days for my coni here in the uk...means i can move plans along a bit earlier to go marry my beloved Not sure why but didnt argue!!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Hehehehe good news.....
    Went to registrar and only have to wait 15 days for my coni here in the uk...means i can move plans along a bit earlier to go marry my beloved Not sure why but didnt argue!!!
    I would just be double sure you get exactly what you need for the local CNI in Phils.

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Hehehehe good news.....
    Went to registrar and only have to wait 15 days for my coni here in the uk...means i can move plans along a bit earlier to go marry my beloved Not sure why but didnt argue!!!
    It must be different in scotland 15 days? Maybe Arthur can shed some light on this and put your mind at rest.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    It must be different in scotland 15 days? Maybe Arthur can shed some light on this and put your mind at rest.
    Good point Andy, could be less time needed in Scotland than Englnad and Wales.

  7. #7
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    Got me worried again there guys.......just checked the general scottish register site...this what they say
    I want to get married abroad. What documents will I need to provide?
    You should contact the Consulate/Embassy for the relevant country for advice on what documentation will be required.

    If you are asked to provide a Certificate of No Impediment (CONI) and you are resident in Scotland, you can apply to your local registrar for this by submitting notice as if you were getting married in Scotland. You should complete a marriage notice form, M10 (56 Kb PDF), and submit it with your birth certificate and, if you have been married before, your divorce decree plus the £30 fee to the registrar. The registrar will then be able to issue the CONI 15 days after submission of the marriage notice and fee. The CONI is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.

  8. #8
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    Hope im understanding this correctly

  9. #9
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    One thing still unsure of is how you can get married quicker than have to wait the 11 days after ive had my coni exchanged and been and registered. Kingy going to see her family friend judge tomorrow/today and see what he can do? Read something here on the forum about if the officials agree you dont have to wait the ten days???????

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    One thing still unsure of is how you can get married quicker than have to wait the 11 days after ive had my coni exchanged and been and registered. Kingy going to see her family friend judge tomorrow/today and see what he can do? Read something here on the forum about if the officials agree you dont have to wait the ten days???????
    We used an agent to set ours up so some of it is a bit of a mystery. But I simply had to be in the country for 10 days after the advance wedding ceremony. We didnt need to collect the marriage certificate after 10 days. In fact my wife collected it some 3 weeks later. It all seemed to revolve around me being in the country for the 10 days.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    We used an agent to set ours up so some of it is a bit of a mystery. But I simply had to be in the country for 10 days after the advance wedding ceremony. We didnt need to collect the marriage certificate after 10 days. In fact my wife collected it some 3 weeks later. It all seemed to revolve around me being in the country for the 10 days.
    So if im not being totally thick here!
    You didnt have to wait the 10 days for the marriage licence to be posted before you actually got married?
    All you had to do was be in the country after the advance wedding ceremony for 10 days, then you were free to leave and your could just go pick up the marriage certificate any time later?
    And that whats the ADVANCE in the advance wedding ceremony?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    So if im not being totally thick here!
    You didnt have to wait the 10 days for the marriage licence to be posted before you actually got married?
    All you had to do was be in the country after the advance wedding ceremony for 10 days, then you were free to leave and your could just go pick up the marriage certificate any time later?
    And that whats the ADVANCE in the advance wedding ceremony?
    Yes. I am almost confused as you. Basically we went through what is known as an advanced wedding ceremony on a Tuesday. And I had to remain in the country for 10 days after. I actually left 11 days later. Our marriage certificate was issued 10 days after the wedding ceremony, but my wife collected it from the Reverend about 3 weeks or so later.

    Maybe others on here can shed some light on this. I remain confused. All I can say is that it worked well. No problems whatsoever.

    The ADVANCE meant the wedding ceremony took place that day, on the Tuesday, in advance of the issueing of the Marriage Certificate. I was told that an approach like that is common in China or some place like that......

  13. #13
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    Paying more money basically

    Still not 100% sure to be honest. Basically if you are willing to pay double you can get the legal documents to get married in advance although they will be dated from the 10/11 day period after...i think

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Paying more money basically

    Still not 100% sure to be honest. Basically if you are willing to pay double you can get the legal documents to get married in advance although they will be dated from the 10/11 day period after...i think

    Thats what we did, I think.....

  15. #15
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    Think its basically what happened to you except that kingy went to the judge and requested it and had to cough up twice the fee for the pleasure.
    With my time there being minimal it just means we can marry any day after the going to the embassy and get going on our honeymoon a.s.p.
    Shes in the process of organising that over the next few weeks so any suggestions of things to do and see not too far away from manila appreciated!
    Money is going to be a bit tight so be doing it on a budget to save money for the visa applicatin etc

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Think its basically what happened to you except that kingy went to the judge and requested it and had to cough up twice the fee for the pleasure.
    With my time there being minimal it just means we can marry any day after the going to the embassy and get going on our honeymoon a.s.p.
    Shes in the process of organising that over the next few weeks so any suggestions of things to do and see not too far away from manila appreciated!
    Money is going to be a bit tight so be doing it on a budget to save money for the visa applicatin etc
    Taal Volcano Tagaytay?

  17. #17
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    Yeah mate thats one place we already thought of and will have a search here and online for any others

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