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Thread: Can a tourist visa get extended under some circumstances?

  1. #1
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Can a tourist visa get extended under some circumstances?

    Hi everyone.

    A friend of my husband whose gf is from Cambodia and came here on tourist visa mid Jan this year.
    The problem is she's 24 weeks pregnant or 6 months pregnant. Her visa is due to expire this coming July.
    They were not aware that she was pregnant when she came to the UK.

    My question is:

    Is there anyone here in the forum who encountered this kind of situation?
    Is there any chance for her to remain in the UK until she give birth and leave the country.
    They're planning to get married now that she is pregnant.

    As far as I know that airlines will only let a pregnant woman get on board the plane when they are 27 weeks pregnant.

    With the sky high prices with airfares, they don't want to risk to changing her flight for July to an earlier dates.

    Hope there is someone out here knows about this kind of situation.
    Life as we make it

  2. #2
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    I'm afraid she won't be able to extend her tourist visa, She will have to go back to her own country before her visa expires.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    I would imagine the border agency would be highly suspicious of this. If she was to give birth, then it could throw up all sorts of rights issues, and I think it would make making her leave difficult.

    I think he may be best seeking legal advice on this one. In theory she's gone against the terms of her visit visa (Didn't know she was 2 months pregnant?). This might not even be something to be discussed on here, mods might be able to advise

  4. #4
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    It is best to check with the airline as to their policy on pregnant passengers.

    for example, here is what Emirates say:-

    7.4.1 If you are pregnant we will carry you after your 28th week of gestation only if you
    produce to us a medical report or letter, signed by an appropriately qualified doctor or midwife,
    stating your due date, and confirming that your pregnancy is uncomplicated. The report or
    letter should also advise us of the latest date up to which you are expected to be fit to travel. In
    addition, you will require prior clearance from our medical department for travel after the 35th
    week of gestation for flights exceeding 4 hours and after the 36th week of gestation for any

    Another issue is that as a tourist you are not allowed to get treatment on the NHS unless in an emergency, if they were to extend they may be left with large medical expenses?

  5. #5
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Thanks for the response dear members of the forum.

    I do reckon her situation is quite difficult.
    I feel sorry for their situation since her bf is not in good financial state at the moment and to add to that he didn't declare his income which will make things more complicated.

    I am wondering about getting NHS treatment, because she was able to get midwife services (prenatal check ups and able to go to hospital to check on the baby) even though she doesn't have NHS... hmmm

    I thought there might be someone here who has gone to the same dilemma, about extending their tourist visa here.. though I'm sure the home office is getting stricter as well.
    Life as we make it

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