Hello guys just want to ask your help,this are all the documents we had so far tho i still have to wait for hubby to send it next week.....
Application form
Passport sized photo
Passport bio data page of applicant (old and new)
Tuberculosis Certificate
Marriage Certificate (SECPA and Local)
English Requirement Certificate
Transcript of Records
Caregiver Certificate
Sponsor's Documents
Employment Letter
P60 Form
Bank Statements
Tenancy Agreement
Landlord’s Support Letter
Accommodation Pictures
Passport bio data page and stamped pages of sponsor
Husband’s Support Letter
Applicant’s Support Letter
Evidence of Relationship
Remittances receipts (Moneygram and Worldremit)
Both Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate (SECPA and Local)
Pictures (from June 2009-March 2012)
Chat Logs
Screen shots of video chat
E cards
Itinerary Tickets with Boarding Passes
Did we miss anything???cant think of anything to add.we are hoping to add all our phone conversations from 2009 but o2 said it will take 40 days to process....Please just let me know what more do i need and excited now to apply tho have to wait a bit longer