Originally Posted by
Doc Alan
Inconsistencies by immigration officers at different UK airports as to whether a chest X Ray ( CXR ) is required may understandably be an additional “ stressor “, but it is not “ rubbish “ . Here is what I have already said about chest X Rays :-
The CXR can’t be used on its own to either give a clean bill of health or make a specific diagnosis. It gives images of lungs, heart, chest wall, and bones of spine. It may help diagnose conditions such as :-
• Pneumonia ( meaning lung inflammation, which may be lobar – affecting 1 or more lobes ; or bronchopneumonia – more patchy, affecting small air passages. Bacterial pneumonia can be either tuberculous or due to other “ bugs “. It can also be viral or fungal. )
• Chronic bronchitis and emphysema
• Lung cancer
• Heart failure or other conditions
• Other illnesses
Benefits :
• Relatively cheap, widely available, rapidly performed
• One of the lowest radiation exposure medical examinations
• If needed, the image(s) can be sent online to experts anywhere ( teleradiology )
Disadvantages :
• Minimise radiation by using modern “ focussed “ systems ; avoid if pregnant
• “ Normal “ CXR doesn’t rule out all conditions, such as small cancers or blood clots ( embolism ). There are other imaging methods available such as CT scan.
Whether or not you’re required to show your CXR(s) at immigration, they MUST be kept:
• They are used to compare with more recent CXRs – this helps monitor changes and treatment.
Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs but can involve other parts of the body.
• Diagnosis doesn’t just depend on CXR. Persistent cough, weight loss and night sweats are typical. Sputum examination and culture are required. Treatment involves more than one drug type, for 6 months – drug resistance is a problem.
• Although much commoner in the Philippines ( estimates between 75-100 deaths/day ), several thousand new cases are diagnosed every year in UK ( prisoners, homeless, alcoholics and drug addicts especially ).
I really hope this will give you some insight !