Quote Originally Posted by iamiyah View Post
I hope to find someone who can help me move on..
Don't seek for someone who can help you move on..Seek for yourself..the YOU before that guy came..If you learn to be independent and not clinging for someone to give you some love, then you've known you already moved on and ready to meet the right guy for you. It's not healthy to move on just because someone new comes..It will be the same if in case that someone new leaves you too..So the best thing to do is pick up the broken pieces of your heart/self without looking for a new guy just yet..Be with your friends all the time you have a chance to..Go on a holiday in the Philippines with your family..These would help you move on without needing a man to fill up the spaces. I've been there and done that..I know it's really hard but you've got yourself to owe it to.