Thank you Raynaputi for teh advice. I guess what makes it really hard for me that it also break me into piecs is I dont have anyone to talk to. I am now here in Egypt based in a hotel and away from my family and friends. Livin alone makes things more difficult for me which drown me into depression. I am only the Filipina nationality here so I have to dealt all these by myself.

I am a strong person but that was before but now i almost cant get up to these pain. :( I dunno i cant explain te dilemma i am goin thru wit. Thats why being in this site is what I have now to have someone to talk to and to release the pain I am having now inside.

I need friends, even someone to talk to. I really wanted to go on now as it affects my job and health, I dont want these pain anymore!!

But I cant go on..........Sorry everyone for moaning