Originally posted by Pauldo@Sep 7 2005, 06:01 AM
Strange, but no matter how hard everybody tries to impress us that race has nothing to do with the way the rescue operation was carried out, EVERY news reporter, spokesman or government bullsh1tter has to include the phrase "...in the, Predominantly Black, city of New Orleans....." somewhere in their litany of events.

I think it is fairly sound to say that the whole world sees some sort of racial injustice in the New Orleans disaster.
The news would not be as exciting if they didn't make sure to point out that the hurricane was going after blacks or something. Every time you hear about a U.S. military death in Iraq, they say " ... thousand and ... deaths since the end of ... " I can't remember exactly what they say, but they want to go on about how many people have died since Saddam's government was gone. Nevermind that in other wars, that many people died in an hour or less.

The whole world? You are assuming that those spokesholes actually represent the rest of us. I suppose that if it was New York or DC (District of Cracksmokers), reaction may have been different. Was that an understatement? I don't think it is a race thing. I think it is a money thing. Like that girl who disappeared in Bermuda. She was everywhere in the news. Her family was rich, of course. But, when Christina Williams disappeared, they had one episode on America's Most Wanted, but then you didn't hear much more about her. Do a Google search. Her mom was my first daughter's godmother...

What I'm trying to say is, the news media is going to say what gets the story watched. They don't care if it is truth. They just care that everybody talks about it. If they said, "Katrina caused lots of trouble, but the Gov't is responding well and everybody is going to be fine," then nobody would care.