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Thread: Didn't think our benefits system needed any publicity.

  1. #1
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Didn't think our benefits system needed any publicity.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Ah ... you'd be surprised, Marco!

    Having retired prematurely on health grounds, following the death of my first wife, I'd to rely solely on a modest occupational pension until I was 60 - at which point, I found it difficult to make ends meet. So ... I phoned the then DSS to enquire about the possibilities of an receiving the same privileges as an of that vintage. Unsurprisingly, the answer was "No". But, the staff member to whom I spoke, went on to inform me that (subject to means testing ) I might qualify for a Government *top-up called 'Guaranteed Pension Credit' to bring my work pension into line with the minimum wage throughout the ensuing 5 years till I reached 65. Now ... this was something I certainly hadn't heard of previously. And, of course, *it turned out to be a real boon.

    Problem IS, it's NOT ADVERTISED! Therefore, there're bound to be thousands of folk who are completely unaware of its existence.

    So, YES, this is one Benefit that warrants greater publicity.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Ah ... you'd be surprised, Marco!

    Having retired prematurely on health grounds, following the death of my first wife, I'd to rely solely on a modest occupational pension until I was 60 - at which point, I found it difficult to make ends meet. So ... I phoned the then DSS to enquire about the possibilities of an receiving the same privileges as an of that vintage. Unsurprisingly, the answer was "No". But, the staff member to whom I spoke, went on to inform me that (subject to means testing ) I might qualify for a Government *top-up called 'Guaranteed Pension Credit' to bring my work pension into line with the minimum wage throughout the ensuing 5 years till I reached 65. Now ... this was something I certainly hadn't heard of previously. And, of course, *it turned out to be a real boon.

    Problem IS, it's NOT ADVERTISED! Therefore, there're bound to be thousands of folk who are completely unaware of its existence.

    So, YES, this is one Benefit that warrants greater publicity.
    Nice one Arthur and I agree benefits should be simplified and information should be freely available to people in your situation.But the idea of the EU producing info for foreigners on how good our benefits are is a

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