, Mhae ... as always, it's good to see you posting here whenever a busy lady like yourself has the time to do so.

ILR can be applied for 28 calendar days prior to the second anniversary of the date on which you arrived in the UK as a Spouse. Say, for example, you came on July 31st 2010 ... then you'd be eligible to apply from around July 3rd/4th 2012.

Now ... bearing in mind what the previous poster has mentioned about the somewhat variable and [usually] lengthy waiting periods involved when applying by post, you may feel you would prefer to do it through a Public Enquiry Office. Unfortunately, there is only ONE of those serving the whole of Scotland ... and it's located in Glasgow - a considerable travelling distance from Stonehaven, as you know.

Another [major] factor for careful consideration is, of course, cost - currently £1,377 as against £991 - but very worthwhile, in my opinion, for the sake of avoiding the feelings of uncertainty and stress that are inevitably part and parcel of the process.

At the end of the day, the decision is yours and Donald's. And, obviously, much depends on what you feel you can afford financially.

Hopefully, my post will be of assistance when the time comes to make application.