with luck i hope to marry my fiancee in phil this may trip booked and paid got wedding dress already free from ex is there anything that i may need to marry without any problems thx in advance![]()
with luck i hope to marry my fiancee in phil this may trip booked and paid got wedding dress already free from ex is there anything that i may need to marry without any problems thx in advance![]()
Where are you getting married in Phils Hawk?![]()
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
hawk Good luck and Congratulations in advance!
she lives in guagua pampanga so near to her home
Am not up with current needs but all the best for a lovely wedding
thank you all will be going on 9th and arrive 10th marites is like a kid in a sweet shop cant stop smiling and just over the moon![]()
Hey hawk, firstly many congrats to you both. Hope all goes well and wish you both a shining future together.
Here is some general information about overseas marriages and civil partnerships
and some CNI information here including the British Embassy appointment system and how to apply
CNI information here
Please do remember the CNI has only 3 months validity, so plan out carefully what needs to be done and when. It's a good idea to make a project plan from wedding day backwards so you can line it all up.
The CNI is available from your local registry office. It takes 22 days from time of application. It's 21 days for the 'bans'.
Generally, if you can get all your 'ducks lined up' with your paperwork etc, and things go fairly smooth along the way you should have no problems getting married within a 14-21 day timeframe.
I'm sure there are many who will say you can achieve it in less than 14 days, well, theoretically it's possible if you are very lucky and the organisation is real slick. (oh and your wallet is thick!)
Probably even more will tell you that within 21 days is easy. Well I think on balance within 21 days is a reasonable time, provided no major problems, but not much time left for honeymoon.
I suggest you always check the latest information for paperwork needed etc but in principle you need:-
Birth certificate - original
CNI - (Certificate of No Impediment to Marry)
Present this document to the British Embassy in the Philippines to be issued a Philippine version called a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry.
This certificate is needed for the application of a marriage license.
BTW many Brits are now reporting that you may well be required to obtain a your own CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) from NSO (National Statistics Office) so you might need to include this contingency as well.
Marriage License - Apply for this in your fiancée's home town at the registry office. (or locality of where marriage will take place)
You might also be requested to attend the "Pre-Marriage Seminar" counselling sessions prior to being allowed to be married. Check and ask when you apply for the marriage license
After you apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage banns are published
To apply for the Marriage License you should consider having the following:-
Your birth certificate
Your passport
Your C.N.I.
Your NSO CENOMAR (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)
Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
Her postal I.D. Address
Her cenomar
Her Parents signed advice form (for under 25 years)
Her Parents I.D.
Hot tip
Always take extra time to very carefully and very thoroughy check and read through all paper work at each step before signing anything. If there are any typing errors/mistakes/mismatches etc it can cost you dear in time and money.
Hottest Tip
Always smile and always remain relaxed, calm and cool.
Have a great time
looks like alls going from good to worse if its true about cni cant understand why i need get a cni that takes 21 days in uk just to give to uk embassy again for another 21 days to prove am able to marry if i got devorse papers which is offical paper should be prove alone klm wont extend return well they will but wont another £400 so things look dull at moment cant cancell as lose money or i try find a flight back at time later any help please![]()
Hawk, do some more checking, the CNI in Uk takes 21 day for the banns. That's just normal and complies with regulations.
You don't have to wait another 21 days in Phils. You just need to book a slot at the Embassy. Most people do it online before flying out.
What's that £400 all about?
You've been here long enough and advised others....maybe you just lost a little confidence. You must know that a little careful planning is a given.
You need to wait 10 days after you apply for the marriage license.
Have you allowed enough time in Phils to get married? How long will you be there?
What do you need help?
Unfortunatley hawk that is a definate requirement that you must hand your cni to brit embassy without the cni there will definatley be no marriage in the phils
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news![]()
i can get cni ok in uk i have time but its time needed to get married going on 9th till 31 may fiancee going to phill emb in macau to find out more info to try save time
Hawk as terpe says planning is everything i was marred in 14 days of arriving in the Phils that was appointment at embassy to exchange cni, applying for marriage liscence, & wedding ceromony all done & dusted in 14 days it was i believe in very carefull & thourough planning
i may have missunderstude what i read i was reading a artical on getting married in phil and it stated the uk emb in phil wouldnt give clearance to cni before 21 days to stop sham marriege maybe it was if applied in phil for cni i maybe panicing as its getting close to going its been 7 month since we been togeather i dont want to fail i know she will wait the £400 is what klm wants from me to extend return date making £900 price of trip as i messed up how many days i put down 4 return as its marites,s mums birthday on 11 may so i wanted to be a good time with birthday and marriege the same month as all her familey will be there only this month . so if im correct in thinking i get cni in uk 21 days will sort out this week once over there take to uk emb phil once they change to phil one 10 days to wait to marry we are ony having small wedd 1st then thanks to all replys without your help i would be turning grey omg i am turning greyweres the hair dye
Planning is the key. Many things can happen when you get there. Flights maybe cancelled. When i was there there was a typhoon on the date of our appointment with the british embassy. That was another day added to the trip. When we went to pick the marriage licence up they told me the registra had been called away for a urgent meeting. We had to go back the next day to collect it. I would allow at least a month from the day you arrive there just in case anything goes wrong. Good luck.
thanks my fiancee going back to phil from macau middle april to start prepairing sort papers she needs as well as sort out anything needed her uncle was town offical mayour who can marry us
well i got appointment to get cni next week £33.50 april its going up to£35 lot of money for a piece of paper already got absulet you know what i mean lol air ticket paid farther in law been to reg office in phil and said cni most important bit so mybe ok not having birth cert 50 days to go got to get some work so i can have enough money lol
You pay again for CNI when you get to Phills £65
one big rip off always having to pay more money and get little in return![]()
Hi Hawk
Please be careful and plan properly you can book your appointment at British Embassy before you leave UK and they will issue you with local CNI on the day of appointment. You then need to apply for Marriage licence which takes a further 10 days and in this time you will probably have to attend seminar with your partner before they will marry you.
Best of luck to you both![]()
its all moneyin florida all you need is passport and the money none of this cni crap what i dont like is i pay for it in uk then in phil why cant the stop ripping us off and issue one in phil
Just been for my CNI interview at the registry office,you would think I was an illegal trying to get into the country.In fact im trying to get outIts more like an interrogation.
Just to add, CNI is valid in the Philippines for 3 months from the time you go to collect it, not less 22 days as has been posted by others.
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