thanks for your feedback - I think we will apply again but i have a few questions:

Should i address my previous application?

Would it help if i bought the tickets in advance and provided this with the application? (get fully refundable business tickets to ensure i could get a refund)

Would if also help if i transfer some money into her account (say 100,000php)?

I think it's wise to also reduce the visa period to say 4 weeks?

Include my grandfathers date of birth due to his age...

Anything i should do or not?

Thanks in advance....

PS I have written an email to MP who I will also phone up tomorrow as I am not happy about this (i just want to scream, but i understand that this will not change anything) - I provided 7 return tickets for my friends to go to my wedding to show that she was going to return for the wedding and I showed i had ample funds to support her for the duration of her stay. GGGGGGRRRRRR I am angry, I am flying out on Thursday and i hope i have calmed down by then...