i must say you are a complete & utter nutter![]()
i must say you are a complete & utter nutter![]()
oh bulong i see :( ha no-worries
Mr last lid...is your picture ...of that drive device in that film....equalibrium
or was the film named somit else? dark horizon or some film where they go to edge of space with a space ship that has a engine that when activated sort of opens up a seperate parralel universe with monsters in that invade the ship and its crew
Got it ...it was callled ////Event horizon yes
the picture mr lid has is like the drive engine in there space ship
just trying start up convo , nothing more nothing less
so lets clarrify ....why are they nonsense?
so lets clarrify ...why are they bullshit?
hahah eascaped from ...uhm no-where ...haahah
just called a sense of humour![]()
no meaning or make any sense i see
ummmmmmmmmmmm...........well if you care to read down from the first message mr stevie r asked ....soooooooooo i replied as best i could ...which i will admit was pushing my brain to max capacity......![]()
But truely just follow the convo ...i have deleted some now to keep mr graham48 happyi found how to deleate the messges no-worries
i could ask the same of you mr stevie c????????????????? ...i have no agenda or wish to gain nothing ..... i think.....just to be ..ummm knowing people .........and to look at helpful info ...like your self and others
are all new people spanish inqasitioned like this ?
i found some relevent info on here ....which everybody is able to find
i just wish i had come across this website years ago![]()
lol wow i just looked at your last lid video lol
wow groovey idea so simple too
oh do not now ? why did you become members every body?
good question
i think that bin cover is awesome idea......saves mess going everywhere, must be a money spinner....and it is a pain picking up the garbage from the street ...(ive had to do it ....ewwwww)
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