Hello we are a family of three, my husband a lawyer, myself and my five year old daughter. We live in a large farm in Wales, UK and are looking for a housekeeper who also loves animals as we have some very nice gentle Deerhound dogs which I breed and show. The person will have to already be in the UK as it has now become more or less impossible to get a visa for someone not living within the UK. I do not mind though if it is a female or male or whether or not you have a visa. My husband can get you one as he is a lawyer and has already done so in the past for a Filipino lady who worked for us for 4 and a half years when we lived in London. We also managed to bring her son over from the Philipinnes to live with us. As we live in the countryside, the person will be able to collect their days off and take them once a month if they wish to go to London with. We will pay their fares to and from London. The salary will be between £200 and £250 per week with four weeks annual leave, a very nice bedroom with a new bathroom next to it. Or we have a mobile home with two bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and bathroom if you wish to have more privacy. We are very kind and friendly and hope that whoever comes will stay with us for many years. The only reason our last lady is not with us is because her son did not want to leave London. We are still very good friends. If you are interested in the position. Please either telephone me on 01570471353 or 07983470765, or email me at michael.edwards123@btinternet.com. I am also willing to take someone who is running away from an Arab family or who has been badly treated. All the best.