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  1. #1
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    need help please

    Hello good day to all,today my hubby's landlord gave his support letter but it does not mention where we are going to stay just mainly mention that he will provide accommodation to us once i get there and i guess this is not enough right?
    Am i correct to say that the landlord will provide details of the accommodation and a new tenancy agreement both in our names(me and my husband)my husband insist that we will just provide his tenancy agreement.....what is the right thing to do?.

  2. #2
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    You definitely need something in writing from the landlord (letter stating that you are permitted to live at the accommodation/address with your partner, plus signed tenancy agreement or rent book would be best). As far as I'm aware there are no set rules on this. You need to satisfy the ECO that you have 'suitable accommodation' that's all.

    I'm sure your name doesn't need to be on the tenancy agreement though.

    So...Letter from landlord, plus tenancy agreement with at least your partner's name on it.

  3. #3
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    Hi, think you might find that you will be asked if the property suitable for you oth and any children or others that might be living there as in , how many bedrooms , etc. For example if there are going to be four of you living in a one bed flat then I think there will be questions.

  4. #4
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    A description of the property, with pictures would be useful.
    You can't give too much information.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    the property that my hubby is renting is a 9 bedroom house with 6 occupants including my husband,but i dont think this is overcrowded right??? but we want a flat of our own but it seems that his landlord dont have a vacant one for us in this moment so what we had in mind is to use on our application his existing agreement and just let his landlord provide support letter to include me but my question is do the landlord have to state how many occupants are there in the property?do we have to ask for support letter from all the tenants that i am allowed to stay there?im going crazy just by this document alone

  6. #6
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    How many bedrooms does he have acess to ? All 9 bedrooms or just one? Is the property where he lives let for his use alone ? What I'm getting at is that if he is the sole tenant of the building then I don't think there would be a problem . However if he rents only one room or a bedsit it's classed as a shared house, then there might be something said , either way you will need a letter from the landlord stating the rooms rented to your hubby. With a copy of the rent agreement he was given. Hope this helps clarify your question.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken H View Post
    How many bedrooms does he have acess to ? All 9 bedrooms or just one? Is the property where he lives let for his use alone ? What I'm getting at is that if he is the sole tenant of the building then I don't think there would be a problem . However if he rents only one room or a bedsit it's classed as a shared house, then there might be something said , either way you will need a letter from the landlord stating the rooms rented to your hubby. With a copy of the rent agreement he was given. Hope this helps clarify your question.

    Hello Ken like i said above there are 9 rooms in that building and 6 tenants but my hubby had exclusive access to his room and to kitchen or other part of the house.we might as well submit his tenancy agreement and let his landlord write a letter to state everything,loads of thanx for the advice

  8. #8
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    A copy of the tenancy agreement should have all the details of the property within it (the bit you are renting). My wifes name wasnt on it. So I got the landlord to write a letter saying it was suitable for the two of us and included both of our names within the letter.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    A copy of the tenancy agreement should have all the details of the property within it (the bit you are renting). My wifes name wasnt on it. So I got the landlord to write a letter saying it was suitable for the two of us and included both of our names within the letter.
    thanx lastlid,landlord is confused what to write coz this is the 1st time someone ask him for letter for visa purposes.he might get it right this time.we will include my hubby's tenancy agreement as well

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