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Thread: Britain allays fears of new immigration rules hitting India

  1. #1
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    Britain allays fears of new immigration rules hitting India

    The Indian Perspective.

    "Chandigarh: Allaying fears that its stringent immigration rules will hit skilled Indian workers coming into UK, Britain on Wednesday said that "adjustments" in the rules have been made to reduce the flow of immigrants in times of economic hardship.

    UK's High Commissioner James Bevan said he had read a lot about the issue in the media but the fact was that "we remain very much open for all kinds of visitors".

    Maintaining that Indians were always welcome to UK, he told a press conference in Chandigarh that to suggest the door is closed was not true.

    Mr Bevan said "adjustments" in the rules were made to stop illegal immigrants and reduce the overall number of immigrants by letting in those who Britain thinks can contribute to the economy at the time of economic hardships.

    Giving figures, he said last year Britain issued 30,000 visas to the Indian students, with the rate of approval being 75 per cent.

    Besides, as many as 60,000 Indian businessmen were given visas last year, with 95 per cent of such applications being approved. He also informed that 95 per cent of the 2.5 lakh Indian visitors, who applied for it, were issued visas".

  2. #2
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    Why don't we just educate and train our own people properly !

    It's nonsense that we should have to import ANY skilled workers to this country.

    Where did the Industrial Revolution start ?

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    it seems cheaper to import workers then train them, but what gets my goat is the word, immigration

  4. #4
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    Lots of things can be done or made cheaper Steve, but if it contributes to screwing up the whole country through introducing alien cultures that breed resentment among the 'host' population, what really is the point ?

    There has to be more to life than just trying to save a few quid....and that's coming from a Yorkshireman.

    In the end it will be a false economy.

    Our kids need proper jobs and the country needs to protect its heritage and way of life.

    IMO govt. immigration policies over the last 40 years have ruined this country.

    I'm not just speaking from my point of view, but thinking of all those British people who sacrificed their youth or lost their lives in two world my dad and both grandads.

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i totaly agree with you graham, it was not long ago that you could walk into any job, but today you are very lucky to find work and even more lucky to be in work with a job you enjoy, the wage in most places now is very poor, i cannot see any change coming this way at all, cheap labour is here to stay, it seems the best to get on is bang out kids and live on the state, this morning doing a delivery into the pub and waiting for some cash from there, this chap was drunk at 10.30 saying what he gets on social and why work for less then 250 a week, he gets 160 plus his rent and so on, where did we go wrong

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    this chap was drunk at 10.30 saying what he gets on social and why work for less then 250 a week, he gets 160 plus his rent and so on, where did we go wrong
    The idle scumbag might be in for a shock :-

    Drug addicts and alcoholics rendered unable to work by their condition will face active intervention in their lives to make them clean and employable, a Cabinet minister will say.

    However according to reports in the Guardian, Duncan Smith's department is also planning to cut benefits from addicts who refuse treatment.

    Changes to the welfare system will be focus on getting those claiming benefits because of reliance on drink and drugs like heroin and crack cocaine into rehabilitation and ultimately the world of work, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith will say.

    On Wednesday, in a speech to an event hosted by Alcoholics Anonymous, he will say the Welfare State has failed the almost 360,000 addicts who rely on benefits for their income.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    The idle scumbag might be in for a shock
    the trouble is the shock takes months years to happen, and there seems to be ways round for people like them

  8. #8
    Member shalona's Avatar
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    we all just arrived for first time 'home' in UK ,,,,and was shocked to find out the religious studies in my daughters school is 40 to 50% about Islam!!!! ..I concur with Graham48 going on about 'alien cultures' (which also have zero desire to fit in with us) ..i must admit it came as quite a shock to me that she will be taught the words about giving herself to allah as part of the curriculum (and UK wide most likely) ,,,, what has my country come to since I have been away & now finally brought us all over to reside here? .... can hardly believe it ..

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    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shalona View Post
    we all just arrived for first time 'home' in UK ,,,,and was shocked to find out the religious studies in my daughters school is 40 to 50% about Islam!!!! ..I concur with Graham48 going on about 'alien cultures' (which also have zero desire to fit in with us) ..i must admit it came as quite a shock to me that she will be taught the words about giving herself to allah as part of the curriculum (and UK wide most likely) ,,,, what has my country come to since I have been away & now finally brought us all over to reside here? .... can hardly believe it ..
    well praise be to allah then, i wonder what would happen if she said praise to god

  10. #10
    Member shalona's Avatar
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    how dare one mention God in our green & pleasant lands! thinking of joining the board of governors ...if only just to wind up any pc liberalist there

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    Quote Originally Posted by shalona View Post
    how dare one mention God in our green & pleasant lands! thinking of joining the board of governors ...if only just to wind up any pc liberalist there
    Done that I was an LEA Governor for 5 years at my sons Nursery & Infant School - 1st Headmistress was great one of the old school had 'em all lined up class by class in the playground at start of school, rigid uniform policy etc. Second bitch was a politically correct ageing hippy serving out her last two years on an obscene salary as the school combined with the next door junior school, the place went rapidly downhill but I'm told new head is restoring order, staff morale and turning it around.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    The idle scumbag might be in for a shock :-

    Drug addicts and alcoholics rendered unable to work by their condition will face active intervention in their lives to make them clean and employable, a Cabinet minister will say.

    However according to reports in the Guardian, Duncan Smith's department is also planning to cut benefits from addicts who refuse treatment.

    Changes to the welfare system will be focus on getting those claiming benefits because of reliance on drink and drugs like heroin and crack cocaine into rehabilitation and ultimately the world of work, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith will say.

    On Wednesday, in a speech to an event hosted by Alcoholics Anonymous, he will say the Welfare State has failed the almost 360,000 addicts who rely on benefits for their income.
    The welfare state hasn't failed them, a succession of governments permitting weak idiots to continue to abuse themselves while financing their habits through robbery, as well as parasitically feeding off decent society.

    'Just say no' to the scum.
    Force them to work for a living, even if just picking up litter and fixing the houses of those who have been burglarised.

    Force them to have treatment until they are clean....locking them up during the process if necessary.

    The normal law-abiding people of this country are just fed up to the back teeth of these low-life losers, and PAYING every day of the week to clear up their mess.

  13. #13
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The welfare state hasn't failed them, a succession of governments permitting weak idiots to continue to abuse themselves while financing their habits through robbery, as well as parasitically feeding off decent society.

    'Just say no' to the scum.
    Force them to work for a living, even if just picking up litter and fixing the houses of those who have been burglarised.

    Force them to have treatment until they are clean....locking them up during the process if necessary.

    The normal law-abiding people of this country are just fed up to the back teeth of these low-life losers, and PAYING every day of the week to clear up their mess.
    Quite simply if your out of work and claiming benefits for longer than 6 months you should be made to work for your benefits. Theres to much free money handed out in this country and nothing given in return. If they dont want to work for it tell them to off and sell the big issue with all the other low lives

  14. #14
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    Have to agree with all the comments made in this thread, lets hope IDS gets a grip on the situation,. he will do his reputation a power of good if the majority population see hes got some balls, then maybe Dave will take a leaf out of his book too !

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