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Thread: Busy Year!

  1. #1
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    Busy Year!

    Lots of things have happened in my life since my sweetheart arrived here in the Uk nearly 1 year ago.
    Last June Joan arrived in the UK and was surprised how green it is here, she said she expected it to be full of skyscrapers! I had a week off work and spent the first day doing local orientation, local shops went for a walk around the local area and bought Joan a fleece jacket and warm coat!
    We then spent the following days sightseeing, Alton towers, the lakes, treatwell carvern, the Trafford centre, Blackpool ect.

    Soon Joan settled in here but she was bored, spending lots of the day just watching TV and chatting to her family and friends on Yahoo and Skype. Thoughts soon turned to the Wedding and this was a welcome diversion to the boredom, dress, shoes, invites, venues, DJ, Menus, Cars, Flowers, Speeches lots to organise! As the big day approached a nightmare happened we had paid the deposit on the reception venue, a bistro restraunt in the hills of Blackburn. The place was closed with a sign on the door saying gas leak, we couldnt get hold of anyone, later in the week 5 days before the wedding the sign changed saying temporarily closed. Panic stations!!!! i took a day off work and phoned around some venues, I went to see the wedding planner at the Tickled trout hotel in Preston, she was fantastic! she matched our menu from our other venue, did us a drinks package gave us a beautiful room and gave us a fantastic discount due to my sob story!
    The wedding day went without a hitch, the service was at Blackburn Cathedralmy Dad gave joan away. its such a beautiful building, the Dean is a very nice man and a personal friend and he joined us later at the reception, the young peoples choir sung like angels and the wedding march on the huge organ sounded amazing. It was so nice to be surrounded by my friends and family but i felt sorry for Joan, she had a couple of frinds there she met at a barrio fiesta earlier on in the year but I know she missed her family. I had secretely emailed her sisters and got a message off them to be read out with the best mans speech, little did I know this would send my bride into floods of tears! but she was happy also.

    After the wedding its a slight anti climax, all that organising and stress, the happy day was perfect, then what?
    FLR thats what! more paperwork and a trip to UKBA Liverpool, where we waiting like criminals taking off my shoes and belt to go through the metal detectors! Lots of dodgy looking characters in the quee with us. a few hours and several hundered pounds and we were all done, Joan recieved her residence visa card and FLR soon after.

    In march we went to Hong Kong for 3 days, wow what an amazing place, but expensive. I love the MTR railway there super efficient. Then on tho Phils to visit the family and do a re run of the wedding in Joans province as a blessing in her local church. We had an amazing time there and i met more of Joans family and friends and i started to understand and learn bisaya a little better. Lots of highlights there, but seeing Joan beaming with happiness having her family wedding was best.

    Since our return in march Joan has started a job at a care home, there is another filipina girl there, Joan was excited to work with her but was disappointed she didnt speak bisaya or even much tagalog.

    Last week we were out shopping in cleveleys and we passed a couple of asain girls outside a shop, they smiled and said Pilipino? next thing they were chatting away like best friends and we found out they both lived locally! At weekend Joan went to there house and there was 5 more girls there all Bisaya's! She came home so happy she had been doing kareoke eating dried fish,and making new friends.

    As for me this last year I never been happier, 1 year together and things are great, we are looking to move house later this year and are planning for a baby in a year or so. ive missed lots out but after being apart for so long this year has been fantastic.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    Great writeup. I can almost see Cleveleys from my lounge window here in Douglas, Isle of Man.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lancashirelad View Post

    FLR thats what! more paperwork and a trip to UKBA Liverpool, where we waiting like criminals taking off my shoes and belt to go through the metal detectors! Lots of dodgy looking characters in the quee with us. .
    its all turing out good, it takes time to get settled, my misses been here 7yrs now, it was only a few weeks ago while she was 'home' in the phils, when we were getting ready to return to the UK, she said it was good to be going 'home' to the UK

    as for the scousers in the queue they probably thought it was the DSS and were signing on to get their giro

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Belated congratulations to you both on your wedding(s)

    Glad to hear your wife has found friends and a job. That really makes a huge difference. well done.

    Onwards and upwards

  5. #5
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    What a truly heart-warming story

    Congratulations to you both, and I wish you a very happy and contented future together.

  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Good to hear that its going so well for you both.

    It shows that if you try, there are jobs out there

    I know my wife is much happier since we moved as she has many filipino friends now.

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