Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
The idle scumbag might be in for a shock :-

Drug addicts and alcoholics rendered unable to work by their condition will face active intervention in their lives to make them clean and employable, a Cabinet minister will say.

However according to reports in the Guardian, Duncan Smith's department is also planning to cut benefits from addicts who refuse treatment.

Changes to the welfare system will be focus on getting those claiming benefits because of reliance on drink and drugs like heroin and crack cocaine into rehabilitation and ultimately the world of work, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith will say.

On Wednesday, in a speech to an event hosted by Alcoholics Anonymous, he will say the Welfare State has failed the almost 360,000 addicts who rely on benefits for their income.

The welfare state hasn't failed them, a succession of governments have....by permitting weak idiots to continue to abuse themselves while financing their habits through robbery, as well as parasitically feeding off decent society.

'Just say no' to the scum.
Force them to work for a living, even if just picking up litter and fixing the houses of those who have been burglarised.

Force them to have treatment until they are clean....locking them up during the process if necessary.

The normal law-abiding people of this country are just fed up to the back teeth of these low-life losers, and PAYING every day of the week to clear up their mess.