My own nightmare ended last night. An application for Settlement (Fiancée) Visa refused in Sept 2010, taken through a tribunal, an adjournment and still when the judge sided with me, the Home Office forced it to an Upper Tribunal...their reason? When I applied I was a Japanese translator, but by the tribunal had changed career into another job, but still able to support her here. They appealed to an Upper Tribunal because 'my new job no longer used Japanese'.

Idiots wanted to drag it through a closed court with five judges from all over the UK meeting to discuss a point of law. £££££££!!!!!
Upon advice, I dropped the case, and filed again using my dual nationality as an Irish citizen. Should have taken 7 days to process the EEA Family Permit, but after 7 weeks I had heard nothing. We were now 20 months on from me leaving our home in the Philippines to come here. Her hair was now falling out from the stress causing bald patches at the back.
I wrote to my MP, who passed it on to the Minister of Immigration. Don't know if such an extreme Tory hell-bent against immigration did anything, but eventually we got her visa last night.
The visa normally becomes valid two weeks after issue, but her's started a week ago. They have been sitting on it.
The UK Home Office are known in the trade as 'The Dark Side' for good reason. They have behaved despicably. In the end, I, as an ex-British serviceman and Gulf veteran, had my human rights to family protected by the EU and Republic of Ireland who like most other EU countries comply with the EU Treaty.
I will never feel the same about the UK state again.
We are being mistreated so badly by our own government that only foreign bodies can help us. Ridiculous.