The Notice of Immigration Decision:
You have applied for entry clearance to marry and settle with your British fiance. You have provided various documents in support of your application which I have considered in reaching my decision. In order for you to qualify under this category you must demonstrate that you are seeking leave to enter marriage to a person present and settled in the UK. I acknowledge that you have submitted evidence of maintenance and accommodation together with evidence of contact with your partner. You have stated that you intend to marry your partner soon in the UK. I acknowledge that you have submitted your engagement ring receipts. However, [COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"] you have not provided satisfactory evidence to suggest that wedding arrangements have been made in the United Kingdom. I am therefore not satisfied that you are seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom for marriage or civil partnership to a person presented and settled in the UK as required by paragraph 290 (i) of the immigration rules. [/COLOR]
Please help me... advice me what to do now. I asked my fiance to have a NOtice of Marriage but they need to have my appearance in UK of 9days before we applied. How come...? I am here in Philippines.
Is there any useful proof of evidence to show our sincere plan...? Please advice me what to do. And what is best to do to have a visa... My fiance was so upset....