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Thread: Cultural Differences Between the UK and the Philippines

  1. #61
    Respected Member
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    In the uk if we are caught telling a lie then will will hold our hands up and admit yes we told a lie

    That just does not happen in the Philippines and they will deny deny and deny it,even when you have caught them red handed and provide the good evidence they will still deny it

    That really winds me up and i just dont understand why they will not admit it

  2. #62
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    I tried doing the same when the ex found a picture of a naked Fililpina with my towel next to her, amongst our holiday snaps.

    (Before we were married).

  3. #63
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    Im thinking here that cultural differences can present greater hurdles than age differences.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    In the uk if we are caught telling a lie then will will hold our hands up and admit yes we told a lie

    That just does not happen in the Philippines and they will deny deny and deny it,even when you have caught them red handed and provide the good evidence they will still deny it

    That really winds me up and i just dont understand why they will not admit it
    My ex gf did that and she is scottish.

  5. #65
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    Loss of 'face'.

    So much revolves around 'Face' in Asian cultures.

  6. #66
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Nothin' like a good 'trump'... then blame the dog ...... works here.... works there
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  7. #67
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    "Face" is very difficult for us to understand.

    The odd thing is that "face" can be lost or gained in front of complete strangers; it makes little difference.

    In connection with "face", western guide books and suchlike very seldom dwell on the very numerous similarities between Filipino and Chinese culture.

    Often Filipinos are themselves unaware of these, unless they have worked in Hong Kong.

    (By way of example, both cultures have a superstition about a mother who has just given birth not washing for thirty days...yikes.)

    I am no expert, but here are some things I have found out over the years - not that I have always complied with them...

    Rule One - never ever raise your voice, espescially not in public.

    Rule Two - never put someone in a position where they have to choose (hence the "it's up to you...")

    Rule fifteen or so... don't open a present in public or expect a present to be opened whilst you are there - this is to avoid the risk that disappointment might show in the recipient's face, thereby causing the giver to lose face..

    Others can add to these...

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