Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post

My Rose has just taken her IELTs test in Dubai. Some parts of the test sounded quite easy, some a little tricky. I know to get the top grade '1' of '9' she would need to be perfect (Even I would struggle!), but how well have others done on this test. Rose read somewhere that she needs a grade '6' to get into the UK. This is what they call 'competent'. Does anyone else have a grade below this and successfully get a visa? How good was everyone's English when they took the test/got a visa to the UK?

Thank you.

The UKBA site states that,
"In the test, you will need to demonstrate a basic command of English (speaking and listening) at level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference Someone assessed at level A1 can understand and use simple, everyday expressions and very basic phrases.
You will not need to demonstrate your reading and writing skills. The minimum standard that you must meet is in speaking and listening at level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. "

A1 level is very basic.
IELTS does not actually test at A1 level but at the slightly higher B1 level.
The pass score for the IELTS B1 level is 4 when applied to requirements for a UK visa