There are slightly fewer nurses working in the NHS than last year. This is likely to get worse with NHS “cost savings “ ( budget cuts ), low morale and possibly 2/5 UK nurses wanting to leave their jobs – without being replaced. This cannot improve healthcare – that’s why I said we need more, not less, nurses. Ask any nurse – or read what Peter Carter ( Royal College of Nursing ) has to say :- “ Despite the rhetoric, we know that frontline jobs are not being protected and NHS trusts must stop making cuts in a quick fix attempt to save money… the idea that cutting hundreds of jobs from a hospital will not affect the care of patients is ludicrous. “ Money is not even saved by being forced into employing agency nurses.
Girls and boys who want to enter a caring profession like nursing mostly don’t envisage doing paperwork and sitting behind a computer screen. They want to give – and the public expects – hands-on nursing. Only a minority wish to be academics, “ too posh to wash “. Graduate nurses do make a vital contribution to health care. But the topic of this thread – a Filipino nursing dream turning to a nightmare, could, for rather different reasons, apply also to the UK.