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Thread: Nineteen visa applicants arrested in Bangladesh

  1. #1
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    Angry Nineteen visa applicants arrested in Bangladesh

    Nineteen London-bound visa applicants have been arrested in Bangladesh following a joint operation involving us and Bangladeshi police.

    The group were arrested on suspicion of fraud at the UK Border Agency in Dhaka.

    The applicants were suspected of providing forged documentation and false bank statements with their business visitor visa applications to attend the Boishaki Mela in East London as stall holders.

    The Bangladeshi police worked in close cooperation with our officers in Dhaka, discovering that the applicants had misrepresented their employment status and produced forged bank statements.

    The group admitted that they had paid agents up to £10,000 each to facilitate their visa applications and provide forged documents.

    Philippa Rouse, director of visa services, UK Border Agency said:

    'The UK Border Agency is working hard with our international law enforcement partners to target the organised criminal gangs who attempt to abuse our immigration system.

    'As this case shows, that work often starts thousands of miles away.

    'We want to welcome genuine visitors to the Britain, whether it be for business or tourism. But we will not tolerate fraud, and those caught trying to con the system face long bans from the UK.'

    We have a a integrated fraud assessment unit in Bangladesh, which successfully uncovers and investigates high volumes of fraud and forgery in UK visa applications.

    In cases such as this, our unit works closely with the police, other Embassies and High Commissions to ensure the integrity of documentation, and to identify and take action against fraud.

    Nick Low, British Deputy High Commissioner in Bangladesh said:

    'I strongly advise anyone wanting to obtain a visa to visit the UK not to listen to agents who offer to sell forged documents and say they can guarantee a visa.

    'They are criminals who have absolutely no influence over the decision or how quickly it is made.'

    In cases of fraud, we will refuse the UK visa application and ban the applicant from travelling to the UK for up to 10 years.

    We may also refer the applicant and any agent involved to the police for further investigation and possible charges.

    Anyone who has information about immigration crime should contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be assured.


  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    GOOD !

    Catch them at the source.

    I suppose it's a token start.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Much easier and cheaper that way

  4. #4
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Good work by UKBA and saves alot of expense if you have to deal with them here

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    What a joke that it is possible to obtain a visa to run a market stall at some sort of minority festival

    "The applicants were suspected of providing forged documentation and false bank statements with their business visitor visa applications to attend the Boishaki Mela in East London as stall holders."

    Maybe forum members trying to obtain visas for their partners should try going for business visas as a stallholder at the Barrio Fiesta

  6. #6
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    Maybe forum members trying to obtain visas for their partners should try going for business visas as a stallholder at the Barrio Fiesta
    Now theres an idea

  7. #7
    Trusted Member
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    The UKBA are absolutely pathetic.

    Bogus colleges being just one example of them failing to do their job properly....for YEARS.

    They should be done themselves under the Misrepresentation Act 1967.

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