WOW. Big Marco will have a heart attack watching this.....
Spent a day once trying to find out the schedules for this train, wandering up and down the stations. Never did find it.
Sort of glad I didn't now.
Great video ! Looks worse of course because of the way the camera foreshortens distances.
Hahaha, I used to go all the way to the province (near Naga City, Bicol) on that thing. A few more 'carriages' though. Nothing, aircon...nowt.
Only a 17 hour trip, and like being on a bucking bronco while you're trying to get some kip in the sleeper section.
As for taking a pee or a.
I took this in 1990, while a passenger on one of the 'Skates' which run on the lines in-between the trains.
haha, those 17 hours must have been a killer.
Absolute nightmare.
Doesn't help when vendors go marching up and down inside the train and hammering on your door every 10 minutes.
I can hear it now..."Capay! capay! capay!"![]()
The old Manila to Naga (and originally to Legaspi) train only went about 25mph of course, mainly due to the horrendous state of the track, and the fact that standard gauge rolling stock had been adapted to run on narrow gauge track.....about 3ft I'd say, from memory.
Quite a roller coaster ride, even at that speed.
There was also a line going north to Angeles City many years ago, the remnants of which were still in place when I first lived there in 1990.
About two months ago a drunk fell asleep on that line near My mother in laws house in Quezon province.. Talk about being legless!!I promise never to moan about punters standing to close to the edge of the platform again.
Apparently,it did hurt in the morning!
(He is still alive but not a leg to stand on)
wow...well traveled in Philippines.
Im from Naga City too, I smiled when I read your post here
That's some part of province life in Philippines. But the city is totally different now, I must say.
good day![]()
I was married to a lady from Ragay for 15 years.
At first there was no road to Ragay of course...just the railway going through the town.
Everything came on the train (or by sea), even the one or two Jeepneys that were in the town when I first went there (1990) were originally brought there on the train .
Now of course the 'new' national highway runs next to the town on its way to Naga City and also a university has been built there.
oh very nice,. Ragay is in a nearby town
They reuse train as mode of transportation just recently. Mostly bus or airplane are most commonly used to travel specially going to Manila. Much improvement, I may say.
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