Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
Pass me the sick bucket someone!
Sorry you dont agree, but Queen Elizabeth represents a long forgotten era . A time where for example when it was virtuos NOT to air dirty washing in public................a time when privacy and modesty were held in high regard.................NOW we live in a society of tittle tattle gossip and hearsay that are portrayed as news...............and where some feel a need to let everyone know their opinions on subjects ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime by being twits., sorry tweeting.

She took solemn vows as Queen and has done her best .........ask yourself this, how would you or I react being thrust into a position because of the actions of someone else???

Edward the V111 abdicated, leaving his Brother and our now Queens father as King...........the poor guy cldnt even spk properly, upon his death the throne went to Elizabeth, like her father she has taken on the responsibility with dignity........not all is perfect we know that..........but though it all she has come through with flying colours.

Im proud of her , im proud to be English , lets cheer her on , the monarchy is one of the few things left that MOST countries admire of this ONCE great nation