Hi Eljean.

I met my gf finally last June. Because she lives in Davao - and we all know the situation in Mindanao - I was reluctant to go there. Mainly my family concerns, and also because I have little experience in travelling. I tried to get her here for 3-4 weeks - but our visitor visa was refused last September.

We met playing dominoes in Yahoo games in September 2004 - and the relationship developed in April 2005. I speak to her daily in the net, by cam, by phone. Even we chat everyday - we also mail each other everyday. And that has been the case for 3 years (friendship and more). We have arguments, siyempre, but I see her everyday.

Thanks a lot to all for your advice so far. My gf will be seeing a lawyer on Monday - her kuya will attend with her. I have asked her to speak about the birth certificate and also the annulment.

I know it is a complicated situation - and I know some of you may think that my gf is pulling wool over my eyes. However I am 100% sure she has not been pregnant in the last 3 years otherwise I would notice in the camera. And, having met her in person and being a good judge of character, I think she is telling the truth about this.

Thanks again
