Such a great coincidence when you told me to be more patient in waiting and that there might be news with my visa on July 10....It did come true.............
It was 4:00 in the afternoon when I arrived home from the market and sister informed me that 2GO just phoned saying that I have mail and needed to be picked up. Upon hearing the news I knew it was about the visa. On my way to 2GO office, i was happy but at the same time afraid that it could be refusal or interview.
When I opened the envelope I saw the passport and immediately looked at each page. I was so happy when I saw the visa on page 5 of my passport. I then phoned fiance and told him the great news. He was at work and was very happy of what he heard but surprised too as he thought result would be on August.
I know yours will be released too, soon. Goodluck.........
By the way, it was sent by TT Services not VFS.