looks like we're going to be out of here in six weeks time :( if i haven't mentioned it yet, we're only here on a temporary tenancy basis. we're only looking after the pub until a new tenant arrives. two couples are now in the interview stage and it's just a matter of choosing between the two of them really. i will miss this pub and the people we've met here.
we are actively looking for a tenancy of our own but it's proving very difficult as our requirements are very specific. we would like to stay in the wantage area so we don't have to transfer our son to a different school. there's been enough upheaval in his life as it is
we've just sold our house btw to finance our plans of acquiring a tenancy. we've been working towards that route for three years now. technically, we're now homeless...

when we leave here, we could just take the next available pub but that's not going to make us happy, I'm sure of it. so we plan to rent a flat somewhere until the right pub comes along.
i can't begin to tell you how unsettling that makes me feel esp when i see the available properties to rent in wantage... they're all very asbo-looking-dwellings to me. eww!
hopefully, things will turn out right in the end. wish us luck. we'll need it.