I just want to share these information for the fiancee visa applicants who are lost at the moment and seeking for help, advice, information and tips. This is my way of saying THANK YOU to the Forum who has been there with me all through out the ups and down process of my Fiancee Visa and to the people behind this. I hope this will help the new applicants to satisfy the ECO/ECM for the success of the app.

Main Docus:

-Printed and Completed Application Form for the Settlement Application (VAF4A)
-English Certificate which states that you have meet the English Test Requirement (A1), also take the test in an approved English Provider http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/si...lish-tests.pdf
-Two colored passport photographs
-Application Fee of P58, 472. You can pay it in cash at the Union Bank near ECO Plaza Building just bring photocopy of the front page of your passport. Another payment method is via Managers Check (BPI, BDO OR ANY REGISTERED PHILIPPINE BANK) payable to the BRITISH EMBASSY, don't forget to write your name and details on the back part of the check.
-VFS Appointment (I used VIP Premium Service for P1800.00, quick and easy)
-Fiancee Visa Checklist (I got a checklist attachment after I got the confirmation of my VIP Appointment booking via email)

Docus that I provided (applicant):

-Authenticated NSO Birth Certificate (with or without receipt is fine) and my baptismal certificate
-NBI Clerance
-6 months Bank Statement from BPI (my bank)
-Recent Bank Certificate from BPI (my bank)

Paul's docus (sponsor):

-Photocopy of his passport and stamp page, notarized
-Birth Certificate
-6 months payslips
-Certificate of Employment
-Account Valuation from shares
-6 months bank statements from his 2 banks
-Solicitors letter confirming that they are holding the land title of Paul's parents property (we will use for my accommodation)
-Photographs of the House (2 rooms, conservatry)
-Letter from his parents (support on our relationship and accommodation approval)
-Cover Letter

Wedding Docus/Proofs:

-Wedding Ring Receipt
-Email from a hotel and wedding venue stating that we have inquired for a wedding for October this year
-Email from the registrar bout the wedding inquiry
-Brochure and menu quotes/packages from the wedding venue
-3-5 photographs of the ring and our engagement

Proof of Relationship:

-80 photographs from 2009-2012 of me and Paul in Davao, HK, SG, UK, Tagaytay and Manila, his family with me/us, my family with him/us, us with our friends from the PI and from the UK.
-Itinerary receipts (from our previous trips abroad and within the PI, my itinerary receipt on my UK trip, his itinerary receipts on his PI trips)
-Our, my, his boarding passes on all trips we had since 2009
-Hotel bookings and receipts (PI, HK, SG and UK Trips)
-Series of emails from each other within a 6 month period and an email from his friend whom i met few times when I was in the UK
-FB, YM, Skype, Fishtext chat logs
-Screenshots from Skype and ym
-Printed online valentine cards for each other, birthday cards, Christmas cards from Paul and his family, goodbye cards for me when I was leaving England last year


-Additional Information about the sole responsibility of my daughter (letter)
-My daughters school report card
-My daughters school statement of account
-Her NSO birth Certificate
-5-8 Photos of her at school with her mates and with me on her nursery graduation day.

* I used IELTS for my English Certificate and took the test here in Davao and it took 13 days before I got the result. If you want to know more bout IELTS, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask or send me a message, Ill answer your queries as much as I can.

* I have duplicated/photocopied all documents except for the photos. I also separate the original docus to the xerox ones before going to VFS to lodge my application.

* Bring an ID with you when you enter the building aside from your passport for you to have a pass to VFS.

* If you are confused on some parts and questions on the app form then better to ASK FIRST to make sure cos we had a very bad experience on that! hahahahahaha. If you're unsure then ask before putting an answer or ticking a box.

Hope this helps! Will edit this post for any changes and for more additional information. Good luck to your application, FOLKS!!