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Thread: Theresa May using immigrants to weaken British Judiciary

  1. #1
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    Theresa May using immigrants to weaken British Judiciary

    I'm sure everyone has been reading about May and her abusing a sadly deceased little girl to stir up public 'consent' with her totalitarian policies [the Home Office has always been an engine of an invidiously growing form of dictatorship]. May is lumping 'criminal immigrants' together with 'foreign benefits scroungers' [and realistically, how many actually do that?] and of course, foreign spouses and families:

    This article should probably be discussed elsewhere in the forum[?]

    In a nutshell, the Home Office is more or less telling judges how to interpret and apply the law. Essentially this is the kind of political barbarism for which we have traditionally remonstrated Russia!

    And how a policy for the 'public interest' is implemented - which could easily result in British citizens being deported, besides their right to marry whomever they choose being curtailed [or forced to leave their new spouses children, and if case law unfolds far enough even their own children, abroad in squalor and insecurity] has serious long and broad consequences for issues both personal and public that go somewhat beyond nasty drunk driver Iraqi's.

    We might need to make our voices heard on this one - otherwise May will carry on misleading the public with anti-immigrant vitriol in order to strengthen the grip of the state over the citizenry.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the problem is the word 'immigrants' its become a dirty word, linked with illegal, over stay, sham marriage, fake colleges & uni's, terrorism, crime etc

    yet may yesterday used the word 'someone' when she meant British citizens. I dont think most people would realize from the headlines that 'immigrants' also meant the spouse of a British citizen as well as spouses of those on work permits, and also it didn't included Europeans living in the UK

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by BriaNoreen View Post
    May is lumping 'criminal immigrants' together with 'foreign benefits scroungers' [and realistically, how many actually do that?] and of course, foreign spouses and families:

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the problem is the word 'immigrants' its become a dirty word, linked with illegal, over stay, sham marriage, fake colleges & uni's, terrorism, crime etc

    yet may yesterday used the word 'someone' when she meant British citizens. I dont think most people would realize from the headlines that 'immigrants' also meant the spouse of a British citizen as well as spouses of those on work permits, and also it didn't included Europeans living in the UK

    Yes. I noticed that. Not good. Seems to be that way on the news and in the papers. She is out of order doing that.

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