Does anyone here use Tripadvisor for helping choose hotels and restaurants.
I regularly use it, and also post quite a few reviews.
I have to laugh though at some.
I was reading some today about the Disneyland Hotel in Hong Kong, and read three seperate posts from people complaining about 'too many children', I had to wonder what on earth they expected at disneyland.
Then when i'm here in Europe, I regularly read reviews from Yanks and Brits complaining that the staff 'Didn't even speak English', erm hold on we're in Spain/France/Italy/Croatia, what do you expect?
Always fun to read some of the ridiculous reviews and posts from people; also read one where someone complained that that Steak Tartar was served raw when they explicitily wanted it well done.......
On the whole you tend to get a good feeling for a place once you've read a few reviews, as long as you can look through some of the ridiculous one.
I had a bit of an issue with a restaurant owner recently after I reviewed, who sent me a snotagram e-mail complaining that I was too harsh... oops.