There's good helpful information from HMRC about Tax Credits
look here at their webpage
Tax credits were introduced in 2003, and the immigration rules were subsequently modified in 2005.
The rule change in 2005 affects couples where one partner is not subject to immigration control (eg. UK Citizen or permanent resident).
The rule addresses both working tax credits and child tax credits.
Under the rule, a couple may claim both these credits without jeopardizing any immigration status of the person subject to immigration control.
Means, a couple can claim child tax credits and/or working tax credits as long as one partner is a British citizen or otherwise exempt from immigration control.
When claiming any Tax Credit your UK citizen spouse/civil partner should tick the box for
himself/herself as the claimant.
Claims for Tax Credits are assessed jointly if you are living with a spouse or partner who is allowed to claim tax credits.
It will automatically be a joint application at the request of HMRC and your name will therefore appear. This is not a problem for you.
Take a look at the HMRC webpage called
What are Tax Credits. This page also has other useful links too.
If you're responsible for children and you're a couple your joint paid working hours need to be at least 24 a week, with one of you working at least 16 hours a week.
If you're a couple and only one of you is working, that person will need to work at least 24 hours a week.
Hope this helps you.
Good luck with the job Moy
Hope it all works out well.