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Thread: Family migration changes announced - updated

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Family migration changes announced - updated

  2. #2
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    Your lapping this up Joe ....I cant believe what I read earlier about Europeans living here can continue to bring in there non European spouses while us British cant from July under the present conditions...something definitely not right there

  3. #3
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    Probably neither interesting for most people nor in an easily readable format.

    But posted here solely as an official publication of the day

    Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules as presented to Parliament pursuant to section 3(2) of the Immigration Act 1971

    Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Probably neither interesting for most people nor in an easily readable format.

    But posted here solely as an official publication of the day

    Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules as presented to Parliament pursuant to section 3(2) of the Immigration Act 1971

    Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules
    It was interesting Terpe

    Congratulations on becoming a moderator... Anyway,I always thought you were mean't for the post.

  5. #5
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    they keep going on about migrants from outside eu but there not looking at the cure and not the infection whitch is the eu immigrant that comes here without paying at all for visa,s and working here illegaly were we want our partners we pay to get then here which the visa alows them to work i for one is about this if i cant have my wife here i wont be spending my money here i will earn it but send it over to her

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    * extending the minimum probationary period for settlement for non-EEA spouses andpartners from two years to five years, to test the genuineness of the relationship;

    * abolishing immediate settlement for the migrant spouses andpartner where a couple have been living together overseas for at least four years, and requiring them to complete a five-year probationary period;
    Well thats a "&$%"! I don't think I'll ever be moving back to the UK. 5 years.... and no concessions for having been married and living together abroad for a period of time!

    Applying for the Aussie Permenant Residency Visa later this year, as we meet the points requirement, only need to live in the country 3 years to get all of us passports!

    They still don't get it, they really don't. The problem isn't the immigration policies, its the incentive to come. Take for instance that recent flight into Headcorn with 5 Albanians onboard a very very expensive light aircraft (not your old cessna, this was a cirrus SR22) coming from France, now why on earth would people who've gotten into France spend so much money and take so many risks to make this final jump to England?
    Because England has a welfare state designed to support everyone and anyone.....

    I'm sorry, but .......s to the UKBA and .......s to the UK. Many things I love about the country, but I'm sick of the way the country is going.

  7. #7
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    The new minimum income threshold in particular will reduce visa grants by 36%-46%

  8. #8
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    The new minimum income threshold in particular will reduce visa grants by 36%-46%
    Thats one way to cut immigration....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Well thats a "&$%"! I don't think I'll ever be moving back to the UK. 5 years.... and no concessions for having been married and living together abroad for a period of time!

    Applying for the Aussie Permenant Residency Visa later this year, as we meet the points requirement, only need to live in the country 3 years to get all of us passports!

    They still don't get it, they really don't. The problem isn't the immigration policies, its the incentive to come. Take for instance that recent flight into Headcorn with 5 Albanians onboard a very very expensive light aircraft (not your old cessna, this was a cirrus SR22) coming from France, now why on earth would people who've gotten into France spend so much money and take so many risks to make this final jump to England?
    Because England has a welfare state designed to support everyone and anyone.....

    I'm sorry, but .......s to the UKBA and .......s to the UK. Many things I love about the country, but I'm sick of the way the country is going.
    Got to agree there....if this country wasn't a generous welfare like many are saying, like Ricky said, why are these peoples queuing up, risking life and limb trying to get here?

    As for Australia...its a 5 year wait for the ILR, entering the country on a spouse fiancee visa. Obviously not in Ricky's

    The plus side is, its a short flight to the Philippines! Yehey for those getting a partner from Australia

    and depending where you live there, the weather is much more agreeable

  10. #10
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    For Skilled Migrant in Aussie its I think 4 or 5 years from the issue of the visa, but you only have to be in the country 3 of those years. So most people activate the visa, then wait till they wait a year or two and then find the right job and go back over.

    I read the report into the changing of the rules for married couples living overseas for 4+ years, and it says its because it is 'unfair' to give them ILR straight away... That they haven't contributed to society, so don't deserve it.
    So someone who just gets married gets treated the same as a couple who have been married 20 years but have been overseas. It then goes onto say it assumes that there will be a certain level of divorces in that 5 years probation, meaning that some of the spouses will leave!

    I'm tired of this crap.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Your lapping this up Joe ....I cant believe what I read earlier about Europeans living here can continue to bring in there non European spouses while us British cant from July under the present conditions...something definitely not right there

    its the bullingdon boys

    Osborne insisted that those with the "broadest shoulders should bear the greatest burden"

    George Osborne's gamble in cutting the top rate of income tax to 45p came under mounting assault after the chancellor announced that his generosity to Britain's richest 300,000 households would be accompanied by a "stealth tax" on pensioners, a fresh £10bn attack on welfare and continued cuts to child benefit.

    i'm sure i read somewhere, that the reduction of spouse settlement visa's by 25,000 becuase of the minimum income would save £75m of taxpayers money, hes just given £100m to the 300,000 bullington boys families in tax cuts

    His claim that cutting back the top rate to 45p would lose the Treasury as little as £100m – a view very cautiously endorsed by the Office for Budget Responsibility – was hotly contested by politicians and economists alike.

    we've all been had

  12. #12
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    If the minimum of 18k is going to save the taxpayers 75 million, what on earth was that 75 million being spent a guess benefits

    I ain't in receipt of any pensions, yet. I dont get any welfare either...I can tell you it ain't for the want of applying..this is why im up to speed on the limits. :(

  13. #13
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    And where will the £75 million go? Aid to PAKISTAN?

  14. #14
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    This really needs to be challenged in court, making marrying/living with a non-european effectively impossible for low earners surely is illegal and against the human rights bill. How the hell can they equate love with income.

    I married in May, that decision was partially based on visa rules obviously as we want to be together and now they've moved the goalposts and made that impossible now. I work full time, claim no benefits and my own government are denyin me the right to a family life. Its not a crime to fall in love with a non-european.

    This is crying out for a legal challange but they must think id we cant afford to meet the new criteria we cant afford lawyers either, whats needed is a wealthy benefactor to back one couple so the whole discrimating policy will be scrapped.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulypoos1973 View Post
    This really needs to be challenged in court, making marrying/living with a non-european effectively impossible for low earners surely is illegal and against the human rights bill. How the hell can they equate love with income.

    I married in May, that decision was partially based on visa rules obviously as we want to be together and now they've moved the goalposts and made that impossible now. I work full time, claim no benefits and my own government are denyin me the right to a family life. Its not a crime to fall in love with a non-european.

    This is crying out for a legal challange but they must think id we cant afford to meet the new criteria we cant afford lawyers either, whats needed is a wealthy benefactor to back one couple so the whole discrimating policy will be scrapped.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    And where will the £75 million go? Aid to PAKISTAN?
    I would certainly hope some worthy cause like for example....better equipment for our brave soldiers ...rather than coming back in body bags....would be money well spent, dont you think so?

  17. #17
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Totally agree.

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  19. #19
    Respected Member quickwillow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulypoos1973 View Post
    This really needs to be challenged in court, making marrying/living with a non-european effectively impossible for low earners surely is illegal and against the human rights bill. How the hell can they equate love with income.

    I married in May, that decision was partially based on visa rules obviously as we want to be together and now they've moved the goalposts and made that impossible now. I work full time, claim no benefits and my own government are denyin me the right to a family life. Its not a crime to fall in love with a non-european.

    This is crying out for a legal challange but they must think id we cant afford to meet the new criteria we cant afford lawyers either, whats needed is a wealthy benefactor to back one couple so the whole discrimating policy will be scrapped.
    Tory immigration rules, discrimination against ordinary British people and their families

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Student route........... Kind of tells a story............. Not funny.

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