not unless you have ILR, of course your British partner can claim, but as i said before if your non European partner wasn't here you could still claim them in fact you probably would get more for childcare
if you're subject to 'immigration control' you can’t normally get tax credits. But special rules sometimes apply which mean you can still claim. For example, you might be able to claim if you’re from a country that has an agreement with the European Community (EC), like Turkey or Morocco
Although child benefit is defined as a prohibited public fund in the Immigration Rules, the Home Office IDIs state that, where a spouse is seeking entry to the UK, the settled partner may claim working families’ tax credit and child benefit to which they are entitled in respect of the spouse/partner and children without this acting to the detriment of the spouse seeking entry.
dont believe the Tory hype
but the British partner can claim them so no money is saved, whether the spouse is here or not, as long as the kids are in the UK,
and i'm voting for the Monster Raving Loony Party now they do make sense
from their election manifesto
8. Immigration and Population: I propose that we cap the population of this country. We have too many people for such a small country, so we will Cap the number of people residing here at present rates (approximately 63 million, give or take 10 mill ) on the basis of one out, one in (excluding Births).
Regarding Immigration… Any Person who can prove that they or their descendants emigrated to the U.K before 55 A.D can stay. All the others will be repatriated to their original country. (Well we have to draw the line somewhere)
It's easy to dismiss the threshold when you already have your wife and children here in the Uk
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
what we should be concentrating on is how unfair it is, when Europeans living in the UK, this doesn't effect them one bit, yet it should be them who faces these restrictions, why should an Eastern European or from another country come to the UK with their kids and after a few months claim benefits, and that's ok
I dont mind if someone marries a non European and claims benefits, as a British citizen he should have that right, but i dont think Europeans should have the same rights as a Brit.
well I think unless your partner has ILR your not allowed to claim 'more of a benefit',
well if your a single parent in the UK and the kids are with you, you've only one income, depends on your wage of course, but could claim child benefit, tax creds and childcare element, also your wife could be working in the phils, this will not effect what you can claim in the UK,
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