Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
Funny you should mention that...apparently you can claim working tax credits along with child tax credits also child benefits..to name just 3
not unless you have ILR, of course your British partner can claim, but as i said before if your non European partner wasn't here you could still claim them in fact you probably would get more for childcare

if you're subject to 'immigration control' you can’t normally get tax credits. But special rules sometimes apply which mean you can still claim. For example, you might be able to claim if you’re from a country that has an agreement with the European Community (EC), like Turkey or Morocco

Although child benefit is defined as a prohibited public fund in the Immigration Rules, the Home Office IDIs state that, where a spouse is seeking entry to the UK, the settled partner may claim working families’ tax credit and child benefit to which they are entitled in respect of the spouse/partner and children without this acting to the detriment of the spouse seeking entry.

dont believe the Tory hype