Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
How is it funny Graham? for me it's not funny at all as I wasted £3,000 travelling to meet a serial 2 timer.
How cow! Why the heck did it cost you over 4 times as much to visit that girl here in the Philippines than it costs my Matt each time he visits (here and when I was still in the US)? Where did the £3,000 go?

Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
Now i'm going to say something controversial here, and some people may argue with me, but from my observations on this website, most of the people who have successful relationships with Filipina women, are married to women who are of reasonable social standing in the Philippines and held permenant jobs in skilled or more often professional jobs including Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers, Teachers etc. This isn't the rule, but in general. The expections of both parties tend to be more realistic.

The worst situation has to be someone from a very poor background in the Philippines desperately searching for a western man for the sole reason of improving their way of life, and they are often setup for a lot of dissapointment.
Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
This isn't completely true as upbringing, beliefs and morals come into it too.
While I agree that more good can come out of a relationship with someone who has already shown that she is used to working for her own wants and needs, I do also agree with lastlid in that not all women in comfortable economic situations have good breeding, and not all poor people are money-hungry. Some of the wisest and most well-bred/well-mannered people I know grew up in Manila slums. That being said, please be advised that a very common Philippine bit of advise (which passes itself off as a joke but is beaten into our heads from an early age) is to look for someone who is old (or older), rich and decrepit (matandang mayamang madaling mamatay). Add the typically coveted white skin and you've got the makings of the perfect sugar daddy for anyone who's interested, especially with these foreign exchange rates. I think blackcat was right to visit the woman and hold off on the gifts until after seeing for himself what kind of person she was. But I also think one should run at the first sign of someone asking a complete stranger for money. Yes, I know some of you talked online and on the phone for a long time before you met, but meeting someone in person and having nonverbal communication then is just not the same as chatting on webcam or hearing the tears in someone's voice.