Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
uncontrolled immigration is a problem, even the labour party have admitted they got it wrong.
1 million Polish came to the UK over a number of years, when the Labour gov estimated less than 25,000 would come, where they got that figure from who knows , but whats to stop the other 700,000,000 EU citizens coming here ? in theory nothing
In labours eyes, they got nothing wrong...for every immigrant its a labour vote..stack um high and bugger the consequences..thats labours way

This immigration has been going on for centuries, for Goodness sakes...as was eloquently pointed out yesterday, we are all immigrants....interesting point about us Englishmen coming from Northern Germany though....one of my long gone uncles was told by a doctor decades ago that his family hailed from Viking stock due to all us men in the family, me included have and had carpal tunnel.

Im under the impression the mass immigration in the mid 50's and 60's was due to the labour shortages caused by the world wars. Either thst or the Brits were all busy getting university degrees thus, leaving a shortage of unskilled labour..who knows ...either way, the empire was in need of these industrious types to encamp here and pick the the nation up by the scruff of its neck and get it' moving again..which, in my opinion, it did