Arthur's correct ( he usually is ! ) .
The whole point of this meeting is for members to get together - whether they're newbies or moderators - and you are ALL welcome, even at this late date . I can't afford to fly you all to Fred's campsite at Bohol . Karen ( at the Highlander ) is putting on extra staff for Saturday, and Thayo ( at Ask ) has booked us the best two tables . Members are travelling from as far as Perth and Dorset. I've spring cleaned my apartment and there's a supply of drink ( alcoholic / non-alcoholic ) and " merienda " .
" Inconsiderate " is the most polite judgement I've heard about those who haven't responded - I'm saying no more . But surely I haven't LOST friends or respect by arranging a " get - together " ?
If you're staying overnight, this is the view you MIGHT get of the sunrise -