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Thread: Traveling around the UK, tips? :)

  1. #1
    Member softmallowgum's Avatar
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    Smile Traveling around the UK, tips? :)

    Hi guys! I'm new here and this is my first post.

    I stumbled upon this site when I was looking for advice on getting my tourist visa. Now that I have it, I can't wait to visit the UK next month!

    I have a few questions though, I hope anyone can help (sorry too if this has been posted elsewhere already):

    - Can I bring noodles (like canton) to the UK? And if so, is there a limit to how many I can bring? It'll be with my checked in baggage. I know meat and dairy are a not allowed, but I'm not sure about dehydrated noodles. I'm trying to save a lot and it'll help a ton if I bring my own, I don't mind the extra weight :P

    - Do you have tips on the 'not to be missed' places and stuff to do? Particularly in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Durham?

    - I will be bringing 1 roller bag and 1 hand carry shoulder bag, do you think it'll be hard to find a place for them on the train? I'll try and pack light and I'm seated mostly in Quiet Coaches, traveling around the areas I listed above. I bought my Advance rail tickets already ('cause they're a bit cheaper with brit rail pass) so I have no choice but to travel by train

    - Also, what's the weather like in the UK this August? I know it's Summer there but I'm 100% sure Summer by UK terms is very different from Summer time in Pinas :P

    Thanks everyone, I hope I can meet some of you when I go around the UK!

    - Mariel

  2. #2
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    You can buy noodles here in the UK.

    London : try the Houses of Parliament and surrounding area. There's loads all in one spot including the London Eye, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace.
    Durham cathedral is good.

    You should find stowage for that luggage on the train - no problem.

    The weather outlook looks good for August, apparently. But don't count on it being much more than 25 degrees C for very long, especially as you head northwards.

  3. #3
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to the forum!

    1st question: I think you'll be alright on bringing the noodles. If you ran out of it then just run into a nearest chinese shop!

    2nd question: Tower of London is nice when its not raining, westminster abbey isnt an abbey for me, it looks like a graveyard but not bad, nice altar where Prince Willian and Kate exchanged vows. St pauls cathedral is fab specially if you going to climb the dome, buck palace- book ticket online if you can cos they do run out of tickets in their booths there, big ben is free, london eye got long queues but worth the wait as you see the whole of london and the famous river thames, London dungeon and madame tussauds good for rainy days as it is an indoor activity.

    3rd question: weather in august last year was good but I cant tell if its as good as this year. Lets see!

    Ill be in London on October so if youre around just give a shout! Have a nice visit to the UK!

  4. #4
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    My wife used to watch a program in the Philippines called "Pinoys Abroad". Did you ever see it? They did one on visiting the UK.

  5. #5
    Member softmallowgum's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone! It'll be my first time in the UK and I'm really excited!!!

    Lastlid: Ohhh I need to look for that, thanks also for the info! I was worried if might get colder as I go north.

    melovesengland: Thank you for the warm welcome Unfortunately I won't be there then :( I can only afford going around for 3 weeks so I'll be out already by the end of August :/ I really want to stay longer and maximize my visa, but I have to admit, UK is expensive :( I gave myself a tight budget and will only be staying in dorms and stuff to save.

    Thanks again, I really hope I can bump into other Filipinos during my visit

  6. #6
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by softmallowgum View Post
    Thanks everyone! It'll be my first time in the UK and I'm really excited!!!

    Lastlid: Ohhh I need to look for that, thanks also for the info! I was worried if might get colder as I go north.

    melovesengland: Thank you for the warm welcome Unfortunately I won't be there then :( I can only afford going around for 3 weeks so I'll be out already by the end of August :/ I really want to stay longer and maximize my visa, but I have to admit, UK is expensive :( I gave myself a tight budget and will only be staying in dorms and stuff to save.

    Thanks again, I really hope I can bump into other Filipinos during my visit
    Thats alright. I hope you will have a very good visit here in the UK and meet Filipinos on your journey. All the best for you! Cheers, love!

  7. #7
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    Check out Windsor & Portsmouth. Have a good holiday

  8. #8
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    It isn't really any colder here in the North.

    That's just a nasty rumour spread by the softie Southerners.

    Ok...maybe 2 degC cooler...sometimes.

    The Eastern side of the UK is much drier than the West...perhaps more important.

  9. #9
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by softmallowgum View Post
    Hi guys! I'm new here and this is my first post.

    I stumbled upon this site when I was looking for advice on getting my tourist visa. Now that I have it, I can't wait to visit the UK next month!

    I have a few questions though, I hope anyone can help (sorry too if this has been posted elsewhere already):

    - Can I bring noodles (like canton) to the UK? And if so, is there a limit to how many I can bring? It'll be with my checked in baggage. I know meat and dairy are a not allowed, but I'm not sure about dehydrated noodles. I'm trying to save a lot and it'll help a ton if I bring my own, I don't mind the extra weight :P

    - Do you have tips on the 'not to be missed' places and stuff to do? Particularly in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Durham?

    - I will be bringing 1 roller bag and 1 hand carry shoulder bag, do you think it'll be hard to find a place for them on the train? I'll try and pack light and I'm seated mostly in Quiet Coaches, traveling around the areas I listed above. I bought my Advance rail tickets already ('cause they're a bit cheaper with brit rail pass) so I have no choice but to travel by train

    - Also, what's the weather like in the UK this August? I know it's Summer there but I'm 100% sure Summer by UK terms is very different from Summer time in Pinas :P

    Thanks everyone, I hope I can meet some of you when I go around the UK!

    - Mariel
    Dont come to birmingham its a right shi**hole.

  10. #10
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    I think you may find packs of noodles cost less in UK than Philippines and as said UK chinese supermarkets have every variety . Even the bland noodles they sell in Tesco and Asda can be made more edible by adding some hot chilli , think they cost equivalent of 6 pesos a pack .

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hi, Mariel ... to this friendly site, and enjoy your forthcoming visit to our Capital City, plus any OTHER places of interest you're hoping to include on your itinerary.

  12. #12
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    I think it should really depend in your budget. The good thing is you are asking early and you can get a lot of discount.
    Travel- use bus even intercity. They are very cheap compared to trains.
    Lodging - search the internet and book one week in advance. Yuo'll need credit card though
    food - just buy ready made
    Money- bring cards, cash can get lost.
    There is so many places to go...your budget is the only factor

  13. #13
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Well, I can't offer anything else really, but welcome to the site, and hope you have a brilliant trip.

    Really though - dont bother bringing noodles, you can buy them here. Well, it's up to you, but....................
    You just might want to go to a chinese supermarket to get the best variety of asian ones.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter D View Post
    I think you may find packs of noodles cost less in UK than Philippines and as said UK chinese supermarkets have every variety . Even the bland noodles they sell in Tesco and Asda can be made more edible by adding some hot chilli , think they cost equivalent of 6 pesos a pack .
    11 pence.

    I just add my own sauce.

  15. #15
    Member softmallowgum's Avatar
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    Wow great tips everyone! I guess I can spare a few quids for some cheap noodles instead of bringing my own :P Thanks again for all these I'm counting down the days already, I can't wait

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by softmallowgum View Post
    Wow great tips everyone! I guess I can spare a few quids for some cheap noodles instead of bringing my own :P Thanks again for all these I'm counting down the days already, I can't wait

    Hopefully the weather will have improved by the time you arrive

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