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Thread: Hello I'm from Philippines!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    Mrs M,
    You already received plenty of good advice. I hope you will take notice and just slow down.
    I'm not actually the best person to give out relationship advice for all sorts of reasons.

    Contrary to what most people will tell you, I DO believe in "love at first sight" as that is essentially what happened to me. But I never disclosed my true feelings for quite some time, until I had rationalised them internally myself.
    'Love at first sight' is quite far away from 'love at first chat' in my opinion.

    So I say take the advice given, slow down don't allow yourself to be taken in by words alone in just 2 weeks. The more and the longer you communicate the less likely it is to be untrue.
    It takes time.
    Good luck

  2. #2
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Pasig City, Philippines
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Mrs M,
    You already received plenty of good advice. I hope you will take notice and just slow down.
    I'm not actually the best person to give out relationship advice for all sorts of reasons.

    Contrary to what most people will tell you, I DO believe in "love at first sight" as that is essentially what happened to me. But I never disclosed my true feelings for quite some time, until I had rationalised them internally myself.
    'Love at first sight' is quite far away from 'love at first chat' in my opinion.

    So I say take the advice given, slow down don't allow yourself to be taken in by words alone in just 2 weeks. The more and the longer you communicate the less likely it is to be untrue.
    It takes time.
    Good luck
    He told me that he is already planning to meet me atleast for the first time but he is always saying that in God's grace all those things will take in place..I'm not asking for anything I just want ti be sure if he really do love me..

    Yesterday I ask him coz it really bothers me a lot that I am actually telling him that I love him and he is also telling me that he loves me so much but we actually dont have that kind of closure about our relationship status, we are not talking about on what we are right now so I was really confused and he told me to take his word and trust him and give him a chance to prove to me that he is serious about me..Is that enough for me to have this peace of mind?? oh my God I want to cry :(

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