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Thread: Hello I'm from Philippines!

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  1. #1
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave0555 View Post
    Hi ImaSimpleGirl

    Like others replying here I would tread very very carefully here. I cannot believe anyone can fall in love so quickly when they are so far apart and only communicate electronically. I think there are a lot of people out there who see Filipinos as an "easy target" because you are, in general all very nice, friendly and sincere human beings. I have personally witnessed some very sad stories of men who acquire Filipino "Trophy Wives" and I would not want that to happen to you.
    On my first stay with my soon to be wife who is from Cebu we both agreed on separate rooms so we could have the opportunity to get to know each other without distractions and it was very very successful (by the way we stuck to our guns and had separate rooms throughout our first stay together).
    I wish you luck but please please be very very careful and try not to get your hopes built up too much. Trust me - there are a lot of good guys out there and unfortunately a lot of insincere ones too.

    Thank you Dave
    I am aware about and so far, all he is telling me as of the moment is that he loves me and he is really thankful that he met me at the right time, like what I have said he is searching for his life partner and tried to look online to find out if he'll be lucky enough to find one so here I am falling for him now.. I dont know what to do, just the thought of him being fake my heart will be broken in pieces

  2. #2
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    Glad to help ImaSimpleGirl

    The more I read on this thread the more concerned I become. I am really sorry but I find the whole story very suspicious. I dont necessarily think he is a scammer but I do get the impression that he is desperate to get married and is also being pressured by his mother. Is that really what you want?
    I am 57 and Lolita arrives here from Cebu on July 1st. She is 48 so we are both mature people and we have lots of experience between us. I am sure she would say the same to you as one of her friends recently got married to a guy from the UK and within days the marriage was in difficulty. She is 26 and he is late 40's early 50's.
    You are getting fantastic advice from others on here so dont be afraid to just keep asking. We are all here to help.
    I hope this helps and I hope you dont get too disheartened by it all. By the way have you seen each other on cam yet - that is always a great way of getting a feel for each other.
    Good luck and keep in touch. DAVE and LOLITA

  3. #3
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave0555 View Post
    Glad to help ImaSimpleGirl

    The more I read on this thread the more concerned I become. I am really sorry but I find the whole story very suspicious. I dont necessarily think he is a scammer but I do get the impression that he is desperate to get married and is also being pressured by his mother. Is that really what you want?
    I am 57 and Lolita arrives here from Cebu on July 1st. She is 48 so we are both mature people and we have lots of experience between us. I am sure she would say the same to you as one of her friends recently got married to a guy from the UK and within days the marriage was in difficulty. She is 26 and he is late 40's early 50's.
    You are getting fantastic advice from others on here so dont be afraid to just keep asking. We are all here to help.
    I hope this helps and I hope you dont get too disheartened by it all. By the way have you seen each other on cam yet - that is always a great way of getting a feel for each other.
    Good luck and keep in touch. DAVE and LOLITA
    Hi Dave,
    I also dont like the idea of him getting marry to me just because his mum want him to.. and I haven't seen him ever since we started to chat..we only share messages through email. By the way, I just ask him to chat with webcam with me and if he refuses then maybe he is a real fake

  4. #4
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    Great idea - that will definitely flush him out if he is a fake. I found several scammers on FH when I first started out on this road. They are very easy to spot. Either they ask for money or never let you see them on cam.

    I am very glad you are listening to all the advice here - we are not being negative, just realistic. Let us know what his reply is regarding the cam request. Good Luck and God Bless.....................................Dave and Lolita

  5. #5
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave0555 View Post
    Great idea - that will definitely flush him out if he is a fake. I found several scammers on FH when I first started out on this road. They are very easy to spot. Either they ask for money or never let you see them on cam.

    I am very glad you are listening to all the advice here - we are not being negative, just realistic. Let us know what his reply is regarding the cam request. Good Luck and God Bless.....................................Dave and Lolita
    all of your opinions and advices will really help me a lot to re-think about this matter,.Thank you very much..

    I will keep you posted when I get his reponse

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