Quote Originally Posted by careedee View Post
hi simplegirl,

welcome and have a great time here in the forum!

I think the best thing to do with your dillema, just like what most people here are saying is to slow down and be patient. Dont be too carried away with all the fruitful things his telling you. if everything he says is true then why not encourage him to chat with u online (skype) yes he maybe be busy at work but surely he'll have atleast an hour or two to chat with u, although ofcourse you both have to sacrifice because of the time difference specially you simplegirl. To be honest regularly chatting online is the best thing to do to know each other well. take it from the experiences of the people here, if you want to be sure of the man you're speaking to then take your time and be patient, the longer you know and chat with the person the more you know his intentions are real.
Helo Careedee,
Thanks for your comment..I just ask him to chat with me..and now, by reading all of your comments and opinions about this, I am starting to think to slow down and just go with the flow, if ever he refuses to chat with me then maybe he's a real fake (and that will make me cry! ) Thank you very much for all your concerns and opinions..I really really appreciate it