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  1. #31
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Give him ultimatum....tell him to visit and meet you in the cant say ''I LOve You'' to someone you dont know??? you dont even know how he looks ,how he speaks , how he walks, ...strange eh!!
    anyway, welcome to the forum ImaSimplegirl!!
    Hi Sars

    Thanks for your comment. frist of all we've been chatting for two weeks now, it's just two weeks and I dont want to demand anything from him as I dont want him to think of me as a Scammer or anything coz I'm not I only saw his picture when he sent one to me..I am expecting his response in an hour from now..I just hope that he will agree to have a meet and greet chat with me through webcam hehe

  2. #32
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Most mums want their sons to marry a nice girl, nothing wrong with that, if he does chat with you using Skype or somthing like that so you can see each other it will help you come to your own conclusion, it is your thoughts that count.

    I would be wary though if he does not want to chat where he can also see you.

    I used to chat to my Filipina girl friend at 6am British time, before i went to work.
    I think that was early afternoon for her.

    Take it slow all could be fine.

  3. #33
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Most mums want their sons to marry a nice girl, nothing wrong with that, if he does chat with you using Skype or somthing like that so you can see each other it will help you come to your own conclusion, it is your thoughts that count.
    Hi Mickant,

    You're absolutely right! and that is what he used to tell me always that her mom wants a nice girl for him to marry.. I am just waiting for his response and if he says no, that will break my heart into pieces but maybe he's not the right man or me :(

  4. #34
    Member careedee's Avatar
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    your welcome simplegirl...

    if you dont mind me asking how old r u? judging by your photo you look very young....dont rush, remember this qoute "Good things comes to those who wait".. I did and Im happily married and contented...

  5. #35
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    Hi Sars

    Thanks for your comment. frist of all we've been chatting for two weeks now, it's just two weeks and I dont want to demand anything from him as I dont want him to think of me as a Scammer or anything coz I'm not I only saw his picture when he sent one to me..I am expecting his response in an hour from now..I just hope that he will agree to have a meet and greet chat with me through webcam hehe

    well, welll,welll hope he agrees with you ...In a virtual and high tech world of the internet ,two weeks is long enough to ask someone to turn on his cam
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #36
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Avoiding the webcam makes me feel very bad for the situation.... he is probably sat in a steamy room in Lagos, Nigeria furiously typing to 20 women at the same time.... just my cynical view.

    On a side, why would you be crying for this guy that YOU have only talked to for 2 weeks, Sars is right, you need to wait, and in the well penned words in a song by Phil Collins..... ' you cant hurry love, you just have to wait'

    Oh, and dont take an excuse that he doesn't have a webcam, everyone has cams these days, and if he doesn't have one, tell him to man up and go buy one!! the cheapskate
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  7. #37
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    Great idea - that will definitely flush him out if he is a fake. I found several scammers on FH when I first started out on this road. They are very easy to spot. Either they ask for money or never let you see them on cam.

    I am very glad you are listening to all the advice here - we are not being negative, just realistic. Let us know what his reply is regarding the cam request. Good Luck and God Bless.....................................Dave and Lolita

  8. #38
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by careedee View Post
    your welcome simplegirl...

    if you dont mind me asking how old r u? judging by your photo you look very young....dont rush, remember this qoute "Good things comes to those who wait".. I did and Im happily married and contented...
    I'm only 21 years old I am not rushing things like this..All I want is to be sure about him coz I dont want to waste my time for nothing so as early as possible I want to know his real intention..that's all I am still young I know but if its really true love and I also love him then why not.. Glad to know your happily married now. I want to be like you someday when the right one comes along

  9. #39
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Avoiding the webcam makes me feel very bad for the situation.... he is probably sat in a steamy room in Lagos, Nigeria furiously typing to 20 women at the same time.... just my cynical view.
    hi Steve,
    I just hope he's not one of those scammers

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    On a side, why would you be crying for this guy that YOU have only talked to for 2 weeks, Sars is right, you need to wait, and in the well penned words in a song by Phil Collins..... ' you cant hurry love, you just have to wait'
    why am I going to cry? because I like him so much!! though I have never seen him that's what I'm feeling and by the thought of him being such a fake/scammer makes want to cry! (am I being childish?yes I am I know but that's what I am feeling :( )

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Oh, and dont take an excuse that he doesn't have a webcam, everyone has cams these days, and if he doesn't have one, tell him to man up and go buy one!! the cheapskate
    and thank you for reminding me this just in case if he's a real fake he might think of using this kind of alibi..

  10. #40
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave0555 View Post
    Great idea - that will definitely flush him out if he is a fake. I found several scammers on FH when I first started out on this road. They are very easy to spot. Either they ask for money or never let you see them on cam.

    I am very glad you are listening to all the advice here - we are not being negative, just realistic. Let us know what his reply is regarding the cam request. Good Luck and God Bless.....................................Dave and Lolita
    all of your opinions and advices will really help me a lot to re-think about this matter,.Thank you very much..

    I will keep you posted when I get his reponse

  11. #41
    Member careedee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Oh, and dont take an excuse that he doesn't have a webcam, everyone has cams these days, and if he doesn't have one, tell him to man up and go buy one!! the cheapskate
    this reminds me of my then boyfirend (now my husband) after one week of exchanging messages I ask him if we could chat with webcam, he ask if I could wait for a couple of minutes as he needs to go out and buy a new one I thought he's just making an excuse not to show his self yet after almost an hour he's back with his new webcam, set it up and that starts it all............

    simple girl, one day you'll meet the guy who's meant for you, you just have to keep the doors open. Dont get me wrong, i dont think your inlove with this guy, you are just being carried away by the sweet words he's telling you.. just relax girl if he's really into you, he'll do everything, find way to communicate properly to you..

  12. #42
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by careedee View Post
    if he's really into you, he'll do everything, find way to communicate properly to you..
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  13. #43
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by careedee View Post
    this reminds me of my then boyfirend (now my husband) after one week of exchanging messages I ask him if we could chat with webcam, he ask if I could wait for a couple of minutes as he needs to go out and buy a new one I thought he's just making an excuse not to show his self yet after almost an hour he's back with his new webcam, set it up and that starts it all............

    simple girl, one day you'll meet the guy who's meant for you, you just have to keep the doors open. Dont get me wrong, i dont think your inlove with this guy, you are just being carried away by the sweet words he's telling you.. just relax girl if he's really into you, he'll do everything, find way to communicate properly to you..
    Thannk you so much Careede for such a nice advice..I will keep that in mind. Maybe you're right, maybe it's just because of him being so sweet and caring about me that made me feel and think that I'm inlove with him already..
    I am not rushing things coz I'm still young and I still have many plans in my life that I want to pursue..thank you very much for the advice

  14. #44
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    there's another thing guys!!!!
    he already responded to my email..
    here's what i asked him, I asked him if we could chat with cam so that I could see him at least for the first time..

    his response??he said he doesn't know much about internet, he just had profile in one social networking site because of his search for a wife.. (is that really possible???for a Head Engineer like him??)

    other thing is, he told me that sometimes even on sundays he is forced to report at their office coz as Head of their department they might be needing his assistance.. (arrghh!! i dont know what to say! )

    and lastly, he told me that he will be having a 3 weeks off from work starting on the 25th of this month and that he will come here in the Philippines to finally meet me and my family and to prepare for our wedding..

    uh oh!! I think things are getting worst..I really dont know what to say!


  15. #45
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    starting on the 25th of this month and that he will come here in the Philippines to finally meet me and my family and to prepare for our wedding..

    ... then fate will step in, and for some reason his airline ticket will be rejected, or he'll be stranded in HK or Singapore as his credit card won't work ....

    ..... but if you could send him the money by Western Union, he'll immediately pay you back when he gets to the Philippines.

    Insist that you see him on webcam .... tell him to pop into his nearest internet cafe.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  16. #46
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    starting on the 25th of this month and that he will come here in the Philippines to finally meet me and my family and to prepare for our wedding..

    ... then fate will step in, and for some reason his airline ticket will be rejected, or he'll be stranded in HK or Singapore as his credit card won't work ....

    ..... but if you could send him the money by Western Union, he'll immediately pay you back when he gets to the Philippines.

    Insist that you see him on webcam .... tell him to pop into his nearest internet cafe.
    it could be worse, maybe he's so deluded he will turn up and expect you to marry him

    ask him to scan his CNI, he nneds ones if he's going to marry you in the phils

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    starting on the 25th of this month and that he will come here in the Philippines to finally meet me and my family and to prepare for our wedding..

    ... then fate will step in, and for some reason his airline ticket will be rejected, or he'll be stranded in HK or Singapore as his credit card won't work ....

    ..... but if you could send him the money by Western Union, he'll immediately pay you back when he gets to the Philippines.

    Insist that you see him on webcam .... tell him to pop into his nearest internet cafe.
    I am receiving only one mail of him per day just like today.. I really dont know what to say.. arrgggh is that really possible that he doen't know much about chatting or anything..

    what am I going to response to him telling me that he's going here within the month? pls help me..

    I dont want to insist not because I am believing in what he is saying but because I dont have any chance of telling him that.. and what if he is telling the truth??is that possible that what he is telling me are true?? oh my God

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    it could be worse, maybe he's so deluded he will turn up and expect you to marry him

    ask him to scan his CNI, he nneds ones if he's going to marry you in the phils
    He said that we are to going to get married in UK not here and he also told me that he will tell me on his next email his schedule.. that's all what he said..

  19. #49
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well that gives you time to away.
    and cue for me to do some work

  20. #50
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    If he said he is coming on the 25th of this month that is 5 days time!

    Or was he meaning July, next month?

    He seems a strange man if he does not want to see you on cam though?
    I wanted to see my girl as soon as possible

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well that gives you time to away.
    and cue for me to do some work
    you think so?? I am beginning to be scared because of this!!!

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    If he said he is coming on the 25th of this month that is 5 days time!

    Or was he meaning July, next month?

    He seems a strange man if he does not want to see you on cam though?
    I wanted to see my girl as soon as possible
    yeah I know it's really strange! so what will I do now?? I dont know if what he is tellingme is true or not..

  23. #53
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    there's another thing guys!!!!
    he already responded to my email..
    here's what i asked him, I asked him if we could chat with cam so that I could see him at least for the first time..

    his response??he said he doesn't know much about internet, he just had profile in one social networking site because of his search for a wife.. (is that really possible???for a Head Engineer like him??)

    other thing is, he told me that sometimes even on sundays he is forced to report at their office coz as Head of their department they might be needing his assistance.. (arrghh!! i dont know what to say! )

    and lastly, he told me that he will be having a 3 weeks off from work starting on the 25th of this month and that he will come here in the Philippines to finally meet me and my family and to prepare for our wedding..

    uh oh!! I think things are getting worst..I really dont know what to say!

    a piece of advice...DON'T BELIEVE ALL THESE CRAPPY THINGS HE JUST SAID...Definitely a scammer...

    Have a read at this thread by Juvy..this may be the same thing this guy would do to you.. Beware of fake relationship & scam
    Last edited by raynaputi; 20th June 2012 at 14:29. Reason: wrong link posted
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  24. #54
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    yeah I know it's really strange! so what will I do now?? I dont know if what he is tellingme is true or not..
    well girl, are you willing to marry a man you dont know, you never seen ,?? sends you email for two weeks of conversation and said he loves you?? just ask yourself?? its not rocket science!!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    a piece of advice...DON'T BELIEVE ALL THESE CRAPPY THINGS HE JUST SAID...Definitely a scammer...

    Have a read at this thread by Juvy..this may be the same thing this guy would do to you.. Beware of fake relationship & scam
    read that.. now it's clear to me that he's not real! I wanted to punch myself for being such a fool to believe those crappy lies..

    This is how I did it,
    with all of your advices I am really in the status of believing that he's a scammer and a f*ck*ng fake.. so I searched online for scam incidents and read this forum discussing about scammers tactic, and pictures they were using etc. they have there different stories of scammers victims and as I am reading it all one by one it seems that the same format of letter were used for me.. I tested their IP Address tracker and of course I tested it first before jumping into my final conclusion just to know if that IP Tracker is working and accurate, I tried to track IP Address used by some of the email senders I received that I know were here in the Philippines. and it worked! I found out that the email sender A.K.A this gggrrr.. scammer is now located at Malaysia I think he's going online through net cafe's too coz I noticed that the IP Address were all different but all located in Malaysia..

    what am I feeling right now??
    relief! and thankful to all of you who did listen to me and gave advices. it helped me a lot to realized this!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH for all of you..

  26. #56
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    Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart.. without your advices maybe I'm still experiencing this stress of thinking about that m*th**f*C**r.. thank you!!

  27. #57
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Hi there, I've only just seen this thread, and I'm sorry but this sort of thing makes me really angry.

    I don't know you, but from your words, I get the measure that you are a nice lady and somewhat trusting - maybe too trusting.

    Thing is, I get protective towards people like you, and I am not alone in this amongst some of the men on this forum, as you have probably guessed by some worded replies.

    We can never go by stereotypes, for example - this might make you laugh - there is a stereotype amongst men who have never spent time with asian women, that you are all quiet, serve your men without complaint, and are happy to be at home all day ironing his underwear whilst he gets drunk. A human version of Hello Kitty.
    You have heard that British men are not in to declaring love so fast - well, it is a stereotype, but it's more or less true.
    I am afraid that alarm bells should have started ringing as soon as he said he loved you - after not even seeing you?

    Now of course, there is too much evidence that he is low-life. Even if he isn't, do you really want to marry a 40-something man who is controlled by his mother?

    Look at it this way, if he really did "love" you, he would go out there and buy that webcam.

    Another question, you have spoken to him - this might be hard if you don't know British accents (they vary), but did he sound British?
    Maybe next time - ask him quickly what time it is here, and what is the weather doing. Ask him if he likes Britains Got Talent, and who is his favourite presenter if he says yes - and ask if he likes Eastenders (TV shows)

    I am really sorry someone is doing this to you, and if he is British, I am ashamed of my countryman. I do suspect however he won't be really

    I really hope you will find someone who deserves you

    Ian x

  28. #58
    Respected Member Ann1984's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    Hi steve thanks or your comment.
    well, according to him he is now 42 yrs old and working as a Marine Engineer. His mom came from ASIA too (singapore) and that's one o the reason why he wants to get marry to an asian instead of english ladies..he said his mom wants him to get marry soon maybe because of his age..
    It's not that I dont believe in what he is telling me, I can feel that he is sincere but I just want to be sure.. Is that really possible for him to love me even though he haven't seen me in flesh??hay..I am always asking that to myself

    He said he had several relationship with english ladies but ending up broken with them and he has never been married..I just ask him to chat face face with me..I dont know what is going to be his response.
    Hi Imsimple girl, only an advice to you, take a lot more patience. be more conservative on his motives towards on you., and dont be rush on your feelings to him. coz i see he is still doubted to you. or in short.. still hanging hes feelings towards on you..
    I have a link here to share with you to read, this will help you a lot. These is a sign when a man serious about you.
    “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens. [Ecclesiastes 3:1]”

  29. #59
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart.. without your advices maybe I'm still experiencing this stress of thinking about that m*th**f*C**r.. thank you!!
    stick around on the forum, you might find your mr.right on here

  30. #60
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