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Thread: Hello I'm from Philippines!

  1. #61
    Trusted Member
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    Welcome to the forum Mrs. M.

    Wow, you're popular...going towards 1200 views in 1 day !

    As others have advised, take it slowly.

    To be quite honest I could easily 'fall in love' every few minutes when searching on Date in Asia dating site.

    BUT we are talking FANTASY here.

    When the man of your dreams comes there and knocks on your door, that is when the REAL relationship starts.

    Meanwhile enjoy the thrills and the daydreams, but protect yourself too by not getting your hopes up and accepting everything that people say to you over the internet as FACT.

    Sadly there are many thousands of guys searching the internet for girls to line up for sex, and thousands more looking for the opportunity to scam you.

    It has happened to members of this forum.

    It may sound both clinical and cynical, but the first thing you need to do is start a serious bit of searching to establish exactly who the man is.

    First and foremost, TALK TO HIM ON WEBCAM. If he can't or won't do that...HUGE alarm bells ringing. (Doesn't matter whether YOU can access a cam or not).

    Google his email address.

    Google his name and any 'user names' he has.

    Get phone numbers for him and try sending a text (not too expensive).

    His phone number should also tell what country he is located in.

    Search for him on facebook.
    Most people have facebook accounts nowadays, and a genuine man 'in love' with you will happily add you as a friend on facebook. (If not, why not ?).

    We all leave a trail on the internet.

    Good luck, let us know how things progress.

    If he says he's on his way to see you, but is stuck at an airport and desperately needs money......SCAM !

  2. #62
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Welcome to the forum Mrs. M.

    Wow, you're popular...going towards 1200 views in 1 day !

    As others have advised, take it slowly.

    BUT we are talking FANTASY here.

    When the man of your dreams comes there and knocks on your door, that is when the REAL relationship starts.

    Sadly there are many thousands of guys searching the internet for girls to line up for sex, and thousands more looking for the opportunity to scam you.

    It has happened to members of this forum.

    It may sound both clinical and cynical, but the first thing you need to do is start a serious bit of searching to establish exactly who the man is.

    First and foremost, TALK TO HIM ON WEBCAM. If he can't or won't do that...HUGE alarm bells ringing. (Doesn't matter whether YOU can access a cam or not).

    Google his email address.

    Google his name and any 'user names' he has.

    Get phone numbers for him and try sending a text (not too expensive).

    His phone number should also tell what country he is located in.

    Search for him on facebook.
    Most people have facebook accounts nowadays, and a genuine man 'in love' with you will happily add you as a friend on facebook. (If not, why not ?).

    We all leave a trail on the internet.

    Good luck, let us know how things progress.

    If he says he's on his way to see you, but is stuck at an airport and desperately needs money......SCAM !
    Hi Graham,

    I am really happy that I got many response and advices from real people here like you and I appreciate that..Thank you so mcuh..

    atleast now I know that he's a real fake I will no longer answer his mails.. I want to do more about him but as what I have read there's no any other move that I can do to stop this scammer from doing things like this so I decided to just ingnore him if ever he tried again to contact me.

    Thank you very much for that wonderful piece of advice. I am really thankful that I've joined here and got so much attentions from all of you

  3. #63
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Hi there, I've only just seen this thread, and I'm sorry but this sort of thing makes me really angry.

    I don't know you, but from your words, I get the measure that you are a nice lady and somewhat trusting - maybe too trusting.

    Thing is, I get protective towards people like you, and I am not alone in this amongst some of the men on this forum, as you have probably guessed by some worded replies.

    We can never go by stereotypes, for example - this might make you laugh - there is a stereotype amongst men who have never spent time with asian women, that you are all quiet, serve your men without complaint, and are happy to be at home all day ironing his underwear whilst he gets drunk. A human version of Hello Kitty.
    You have heard that British men are not in to declaring love so fast - well, it is a stereotype, but it's more or less true.
    I am afraid that alarm bells should have started ringing as soon as he said he loved you - after not even seeing you?

    Now of course, there is too much evidence that he is low-life. Even if he isn't, do you really want to marry a 40-something man who is controlled by his mother?

    Look at it this way, if he really did "love" you, he would go out there and buy that webcam.

    Another question, you have spoken to him - this might be hard if you don't know British accents (they vary), but did he sound British?
    Maybe next time - ask him quickly what time it is here, and what is the weather doing. Ask him if he likes Britains Got Talent, and who is his favourite presenter if he says yes - and ask if he likes Eastenders (TV shows)

    I am really sorry someone is doing this to you, and if he is British, I am ashamed of my countryman. I do suspect however he won't be really

    I really hope you will find someone who deserves you

    Ian x
    Hi Ian

    Thank you for your comment.
    the only thing that I regret about is that I had wasted my time thinking about him coz I thought he's real but at the end of day I am more thankful that finally I have known the truth by the help of you guys..

    I just hope that with this incident that I've had, some of the readers or members here will be more aware and will be protective of themselves in chatting or having an online relationship with a person they only met online.

    Thank you so much for your concern.. I really do appreciate it

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann1984 View Post
    Hi Imsimple girl, only an advice to you, take a lot more patience. be more conservative on his motives towards on you., and dont be rush on your feelings to him. coz i see he is still doubted to you. or in short.. still hanging hes feelings towards on you..
    I have a link here to share with you to read, this will help you a lot. These is a sign when a man serious about you.
    Thank you so much Ann
    I will definitely read that.. Next time I know what to do.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    stick around on the forum, you might find your mr.right on here
    Yes I will stay here, so that just in case there will be another issue like this I can also give an advice based in what I've experience )

    If ever the right one for me is here..I will just sit here and wait or him to approached me..

    Thank you Joe

  6. #66
    Member ImaSimpleGirl's Avatar
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    BEWARE OF THIS SCAMMER! Hope this would help for those who were in doubt about their online bf/gf..He might use these details again!

    Name : David Mark
    Location: Oxford Road, Manchester, UK
    Email Address:
    Phone # : +447031895897
    This are some of the IP Address he is using

  7. #67
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Hrmph, clever enough to get a UK sim card for his phone, not clever enough to hide his IP (Yes you're right, it's Malaysia), and as for Oxford Road in Manchester, well he MIGHT live there - if he lives as the university, or above McDonalds, or sleeps on a park bench, but that's deep in commercial territory, not so many people actually live there.

    That's not to say he doesn't of course, I used to live in an old bank opposite the Town Hall, but you can be absolutely sure he rents a bedsit or similar.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    BEWARE OF THIS SCAMMER! Hope this would help for those who were in doubt about their online bf/gf..He might use these details again!

    Name : David Mark
    Location: Oxford Road, Manchester, UK
    Email Address:
    Phone # : +447031895897
    This are some of the IP Address he is using
    Thanks for helping others to avoid this evil man .

    At least you were able to find him out fairly quickly.

    On the positive side, you've found this forum.

    Stick around.

  9. #69
    Respected Member Ann1984's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    Thank you so much Ann
    I will definitely read that.. Next time I know what to do.

    your welcome before i met my man.... i had an experience also same as you now. so i only advice take a little patience and dont give 100% your feelings to him. only half %, reason is. you not seen him in real? i will not believe he fall in love with you quickly for 2 weeks only exchanging emails..
    “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens. [Ecclesiastes 3:1]”

  10. #70
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    There is only one answer to this ImaSimpleGirl .....................RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do not communicate any further with this swine. All of the replies below are incredibly helpful and I am so glad you listened to the advice. Very obviously a scammer and you almost got very badly hurt.

    I sincerely hope you have learned a lot from this. Take your time and you will know when someone is being serious. They will make every effort possible to chat with you whenever they can and on cam too. I remember many hours talking with Lolita in the early hours of the morning but I would not change it for the world. In just over a week's time she will be here and we will be starting the rest of our lives together and we BOTH know it is right.

    Be patient, tread carefully and if in doubt seek advice. The very best of luck to you and God Bless.

    Dave and Lolita

  11. #71
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    I used to live in an old bank opposite the Town Hall, but you can be absolutely sure he rents a bedsit or similar.
    ... wouldn't bank on it!

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    BEWARE OF THIS SCAMMER! Hope this would help for those who were in doubt about their online bf/gf..He might use these details again!

    Name : David Mark
    Location: Oxford Road, Manchester, UK
    Email Address:
    Phone # : +447031895897
    This are some of the IP Address he is using
    Well done for working out that this maggot is a scammer

  13. #73
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaSimpleGirl View Post
    Yes I will stay here, so that just in case there will be another issue like this I can also give an advice based in what I've experience )

    If ever the right one for me is here..I will just sit here and wait or him to approached me..

    good girl!! stay on the forum ....although a lot of males here are taken there are still some left singles and looking,....hope you find your true happiness soon
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  14. #74
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    He's defo trying to scam you. Well done for taking people's advice on aboard. I highly doubt it's possible to fall in "Love" in just 2 weeks WITHOUT having met at all.

  15. #75
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Hi ImaSimpleGirl just caught up with your posts since i read last time, im so glad to hear you sussed this low life out, these sort turn my stomache
    congratulations on your lucky escape
    put it behind you now, you have everything going for you to find that special true someone,

  16. #76
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    hi there Imasimplegirl!
    Hmm he sounds like scammer.. he never asked u anything for the first time.. Dont believe him what he saying through an email.. i was the victim of the scammer he said from the scothland and he kept calling me.. he was using uk nos.... he got too many blah blah... at the end he's scammer.. he was asking for the money usd 500.. omg.. so becareful dont sent ur pic.. or ask him if he has a cam u can chat him c2c but becareful maybe cam recorder.. stop sending ur picture. I really learned my lesson through dating site.. mostly they are from nigeria using uk nos. watch out simplegirl....

  17. #77
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Hi young lady my advise is as others have said go slow, and dont open all your heart to him yet, be friends and see how he treats you, the love he feel is more like "attracted" he fancies you. Go steady and let peace and cal follow your way, if you feel somethings not right dont force the friednship also your very wise to seek others advise cool for you, but if things dont work out there are may sincere men out there who will really love you truly and care about and give their whole heart to you, so make sure the man you love or who says loves you, makes you feel like the best most amazing woman in the world, last of what ever happens learn for next time and never give up on your hearts dreams!
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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