
I just wanna start of my first post with a big congratualtions to whoever pioneered this forum/website. The world now is so full of inter-racial couples and its such a shame that its so hard for us to actually be in the same country without stepping on immigration laws.

I have been in a long distance relationship with my English boyfriend for over 7 year now but have only been doing the Long Distance Relationship (travelled once to UK, he travels to philippines periodically for 1 month the longest. He works and lives there and i work and live here)

We've come to the point wherein we are both ready to commit to taking our relationship to the next level where one of us would move countries. IT seemed that the most reasonable way is for me to live with him in england. As i was researching on how to do this, i was bombarded with so much information from UKBA website etc. I just hope that this forum will guide me into which appropriate visa i should apply for, and process it successfully.

I am looking forward to learn from all of the lovely people here and hope that some of the insights im willing to share will help in the long run.

Best Regards To everyone!