On the wedding side it's not as complicated as it might seem at first sight.
Many members here have had their wedding in the Philippines.
Here is some useful general information about overseas marriages and civil partnerships
and some CNI information here including the British Embassy appointment system and how to apply
CNI information here
Please do remember the CNI has only 3 months validity, so plan out carefully what needs to be done and when. It's a good idea to make a project plan from wedding day backwards so you can line it all up.
The CNI is available from your local registry office. It takes 22 days from time of application. It's 21 days for the 'bans'.
Generally, if you can get all your 'ducks lined up' with your paperwork etc, and things go fairly smooth along the way you should have no problems getting married within a 20-30 day timeframe.
I'm sure there are many who will say you can achieve it in only 14 days, and in my opinion that can be done if you are very lucky and the organisation is real slick.
Probably even more will tell you that 21 days is easy. Well I think on balance that's a reasonable time without major problems, but not much time left for honeymoon, that's why I suggested 20-30 days.
I suggest you always check the latest information for paperwork needed etc but in principle you need:-
Birth certificate - original
CNI - (Certificate of No Impediment to Marry)
Present this document to the British Embassy in the Philippines to be issued a Philippine version called a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry.
This certificate is needed for the application of a marriage license.
BTW many Brits are now reporting that you may well be required to obtain a your own CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) from NSO (National Statistics Office) so you might need to include this contingency as well.
Marriage License - Apply for this in your fiancée's home town at the registry office. (or locality of where marriage will take place)
You might also be requested to attend the "Pre-Marriage Seminar" counselling sessions prior to being allowed to be married. Check and ask when you apply for the marriage license
After you apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage banns are published
To apply for the Marriage License you should consider having the following:-
Your birth certificate
Your passport
Your C.N.I.
Your NSO CENOMAR (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)
Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
Her postal I.D. Address
Her cenomar
Her Parents signed advice form (for under 25 years)
Her Parents I.D.
Hot tip
Always take extra time to very carefully and very thoroughy check and read through all paper work at each step before signing anything. If there are any typing errors/mistakes/mismatches etc it can cost you dear in time and money.
Hottest Tip
Always smile and always remain relaxed, calm and cool.
Good luck with the wedding plans.
Do let your fiancee organise as much as she can from her side as that will be much easier.
Or, alternatively have you considered the services of a wedding organiser?
Eventually, this can actually save you a lot of time and money. But be sure to pick one that has been recommended by a friend etc.