Yes, that 18.6k thing, caused quite a thing that has.
Whether it is a good or a bad thing has been flogged to death on here, the moral issue has too - and I'm sure you can bet any attack on it on a moral point of view on here is preaching to the converted.

Fact is, we have to - for now at least - presume that is the rule. If I was a betting man, I wouldn't bet on it standing forever, it's so full of holes it's unbelievable, it's sexual discriminatory in that women generally have lower wages, it's going to hit ethnic minorities so hard, that will possibly be construed as racist, but as I said - for now....

I don't know your salary, and I don't know your location, but the fact you can afford to go visit and afford to go back and get married shows you have disposable income.

As others have said, calculate what you need to reach this figure. If you can get a part time or Saturday job, then maybe that will take you over it.
Do you get bonus or overtime? Maybe check your P60, you might be nearer the figure than you realise.

Really sorry this government full of out of touch bullingdon club ers are putting the dampners on your wedding plans, but although this might be small comfort, do remember that very often, Filipenas are much more pragmatic than us. It's not unheard of for them to live apart from their families working. Yes you might have to get married then come home and live apart for 6 months, a year...........but it's not forever. Your fiance will more than likely understand that things might take a little longer

And yes, some on here will be reading this and thinking of my posts freaking out over this and me being told the same.

Dude, love will find a way. Do not lose heart over this visa thing. It might or might not last so long this new rule, or it might be the new rule forever....who knows. So work for now at least on it being set in stone and see what you can come up with is all I can say.

Really, good luck, sure you can sort something, but for now - hey, you're getting married, it's an exciting time