"Labour leader Ed Miliband will promise new measures to prevent British people being "locked out" of jobs by foreign workers, including forcing firms to declare if they employ high numbers of immigrants.
Overseas-only employment agencies would be banned and an early-warning system set up to highlight areas where locals are "dominated" by an influx of overseas labour under the proposals.
While there could not be set quotas on home-grown workers, urgent action was required to identify where British jobseekers need better training to compete, Mr Miliband will say."

"Demanding that job centres be told of all firms where more than one in four staff was from overseas would form part of the new system to provide Whitehall and town halls with vital information.
Mr Miliband hopes to shift the focus of the debate from border controls, and what he says are ineffective Government caps on arrivals, towards the impact on people's daily lives. While restrictions on new arrivals, including caps on people from any new EU member state, were necessary, reforming the jobs market is just as important, he will argue.
Stricter enforcement of minimum wage laws and doubling fines to £10,000 would also form part of an effort to stop firms using cheap foreign labour to undercut domestic jobseekers."
