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Thread: Miliband vows foreign labour moves

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  1. #1
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    Miliband vows foreign labour moves

    "Labour leader Ed Miliband will promise new measures to prevent British people being "locked out" of jobs by foreign workers, including forcing firms to declare if they employ high numbers of immigrants.
    Overseas-only employment agencies would be banned and an early-warning system set up to highlight areas where locals are "dominated" by an influx of overseas labour under the proposals.
    While there could not be set quotas on home-grown workers, urgent action was required to identify where British jobseekers need better training to compete, Mr Miliband will say."

    "Demanding that job centres be told of all firms where more than one in four staff was from overseas would form part of the new system to provide Whitehall and town halls with vital information.
    Mr Miliband hopes to shift the focus of the debate from border controls, and what he says are ineffective Government caps on arrivals, towards the impact on people's daily lives. While restrictions on new arrivals, including caps on people from any new EU member state, were necessary, reforming the jobs market is just as important, he will argue.
    Stricter enforcement of minimum wage laws and doubling fines to £10,000 would also form part of an effort to stop firms using cheap foreign labour to undercut domestic jobseekers."

  2. #2
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    This is quite interesting in conjunction with what I discovered yesterday, which is that whilst someone from the UK requires a work permit to work in the Isle of Man (to protect Manx workers), on the other hand someone in the Isle of Man is free to work in the UK, so I was told.

  3. #3
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    Promises promises....always promises from losers in opposition.

    The very fools who totally underestimated the consequences of their naive actions back in 2004.

    I've given up listening to their pathetic bleatings.

    The country (as traditionally was) is lost and no amount of upbeat comments about how we've ALL benefited from the free movement of labour, global economy etc will persuade me otherwise.

    I see 2.6 million+ unemployed, our country and most of the others in Europe virtually bankrupt, while we scurry around the wonderful global economy (or should that be global debt machine ? ) looking for crumbs and scraps from medieval oil-producers and Communist China.

    If we'd educated our children properly, trained them in the right skills and consumed as well as exported our own goods, we might not be in such a sorry state.
    The British have sadly only got themselves to blame through repeatedly electing corrupt self-serving career incompetents.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Promises promises....always promises from losers in opposition.

    The very fools who totally underestimated the consequences of their naive actions back in 2004.

    I've given up listening to their pathetic bleatings.

    The country (as traditionally was) is lost and no amount of upbeat comments about how we've ALL benefited from the free movement of labour, global economy etc will persuade me otherwise.
    I know what you mean. As you say, why didn't they take care of this when they were in power?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Promises promises....always promises from losers in opposition.

    The very fools who totally underestimated the consequences of their naive actions back in 2004.

    I've given up listening to their pathetic bleatings.

    The country (as traditionally was) is lost and no amount of upbeat comments about how we've ALL benefited from the free movement of labour, global economy etc will persuade me otherwise.

    I see 2.6 million+ unemployed, our country and most of the others in Europe virtually bankrupt, f2while we scurry around the wonderful global economy (or should that be global debt machine ? ) looking for crumbs and scraps from medieval oil-producers and Communist China.

    If we'd educated our children properly, trained them in the right skills and consumed as well as exported our own goods, we might not be in such a sorry state.
    The British have sadly only got themselves to blame through repeatedly electing corrupt self-serving career incompetents.
    Unfortunately honest, God fearing MP's are thin on the ground from any party.

  6. #6
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    They didn't do anything about it when they were in power because they obviously were following an agenda that did not include putting the interests of the British people first .

    Filling their own pockets and advancing their own interests as well as those of their banker and media friends evidently being more important at the time....and that from supposedly a LABOUR government.

  7. #7
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    Bit of a late about turn by Millipede - 13 years of Labours open door immigration policy are to blame.

    I wonder if he'll be hiring a British cleaner ?

    The squeegeed middle... is that Ed Miliband’s cleaner washing his car?

    Read more:

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Bit of a late about turn by Millipede - 13 years of Labours open door immigration policy are to blame.

    I wonder if he'll be hiring a British cleaner ?

    The squeegeed middle... is that Ed Miliband’s cleaner washing his car?

    Read more:
    He'll probably be using one of his mate's Brazilian boys

  9. #9
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Politicians, leaders of OFSTED, chiefs of police - they all come up with some brilliant radical ideas which would really resonate with the soon as they are no longer in a position to do anything to implement those ideas.

    How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient

    But to play the unpopular side here, what possible use can it be vilifying companies who take on large number of non-British workers? What I mean is, it is a known fact that in certain parts of the country, low paying long hours jobs are filled by eastern Europeans. Firstly, like it or not, these eastern Europeans have a right to come work here - it's a European law set in stone, we might disagree but we can't do anything about it.
    Secondly, apparently these companies have trouble getting workshy locals to fill the jobs. So again, what use is it penalising these companies?
    Well yes, I would say they should damn well pay a living wage then they might get people wanting to work for them, but anyway..

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Politicians, leaders of OFSTED, chiefs of police - they all come up with some brilliant radical ideas which would really resonate with the soon as they are no longer in a position to do anything to implement those ideas.

    How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient

    But to play the unpopular side here, what possible use can it be vilifying companies who take on large number of non-British workers? What I mean is, it is a known fact that in certain parts of the country, low paying long hours jobs are filled by eastern Europeans. Firstly, like it or not, these eastern Europeans have a right to come work here - it's a European law set in stone, we might disagree but we can't do anything about it.
    Secondly, apparently these companies have trouble getting workshy locals to fill the jobs. So again, what use is it penalising these companies?
    Well yes, I would say they should damn well pay a living wage then they might get people wanting to work for them, but anyway..

    I worked for a company that took / takes on non British workers, either through intra company transfer or directly. These were either graduate entry or jobs requiring skilled workers. In these cases the jobs could have gone to UK employees.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Politicians, leaders of OFSTED, chiefs of police - they all come up with some brilliant radical ideas which would really resonate with the soon as they are no longer in a position to do anything to implement those ideas.

    How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient

    But to play the unpopular side here, what possible use can it be vilifying companies who take on large number of non-British workers? What I mean is, it is a known fact that in certain parts of the country, low paying long hours jobs are filled by eastern Europeans. Firstly, like it or not, these eastern Europeans have a right to come work here - it's a European law set in stone, we might disagree but we can't do anything about it.
    Secondly, apparently these companies have trouble getting workshy locals to fill the jobs. So again, what use is it penalising these companies?
    Well yes, I would say they should damn well pay a living wage then they might get people wanting to work for them, but anyway..
    Absolutely agree

  12. #12
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    Bringing in immigrant labour merely works around a problem.

    It does not solve it, and certainly creates other problems.

    We had an existing population which in the past was quite capable of being harnessed to fight off Nazi Germany, and with human resources large enough to fully meet any skill requirements....with proper education and if necessary, re-training.

    The fault lies with government and in some cases, trade unions, not with a lazy and/or inflexible home-grown labour force.

  13. #13
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    Empty promises again from out of office opposition...

    Weren't we promised a referendum on the European Union?....they are all lying crooks who will say and promise us the world to save there own skins.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    But to play the unpopular side here, what possible use can it be vilifying companies who take on large number of non-British workers? What I mean is, it is a known fact that in certain parts of the country, low paying long hours jobs are filled by eastern Europeans. Firstly, like it or not, these eastern Europeans have a right to come work here - it's a European law set in stone, we might disagree but we can't do anything about it.
    Secondly, apparently these companies have trouble getting workshy locals to fill the jobs. So again, what use is it penalising these companies?
    Well yes, I would say they should damn well pay a living wage then they might get people wanting to work for them, but anyway..

    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Absolutely agree

    I think that British jobs need protecting, making it harder for foreigners of any description to take those jobs. Exactly the same as they do here in the Isle of Man. If it means getting on the employer's cases and introducing regulations, then so be it. And I am not simply talking about eastern europeans per se.

  15. #15
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    Wish Milliband would instead address the insane planned changes to the family visa process affecting many Brits, he seems to be staying conveniently quiet on that despite his MPs and shadow immigration minister being contacted by hundreds of worried constituents.

    Has he PERSONALLY made any reples to the plans? Or did I just miss them.

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    They don't care.
    Not enough votes in it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    They don't care.
    Not enough votes in it.
    Unfortunately you are probably right.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post

    Stricter enforcement of minimum wage laws and doubling fines to £10,000 would also form part of an effort to stop firms using cheap foreign labour to undercut domestic jobseekers."
    This might also apply to the other end of the job market spectrum, including doctors (subject of another current thread).

  19. #19
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Just labour trying to score a few percentage points addressing the latest concerns of the electorate. Nothing will come of it in the same way as Browns British Jobs for British workers never got up and running.Its to little far to late and there is no way youll get this immigration genie back in the bottle unless you withdraw from the EU. I cannot see any party going for that in the forseeable future and hence in the words of Private Fraser.......We're all dooomed

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post

  22. #22
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    Alot of these employment agencies are dictated by the the employer.

    I know of one, not a million miles from where I am who actively seek out our new brothers in there own homeland.

    Its not just good reliable cheap labour they target..its professionals as well.

    I think if we all be honest, we'd do the same....they are a totally different breed in general, in the good sense, compared to there British counterpart at the disrespect here, just fact.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Alot of these employment agencies are dictated by the the employer.

    I know of one, not a million miles from where I am who actively seek out our new brothers in there own homeland.

    Its not just good reliable cheap labour they target..its professionals as well.

    I think if we all be honest, we'd do the same....they are a totally different breed in general, in the good sense, compared to there British counterpart at the disrespect here, just fact.
    Well yes. Exactly. My previous boss actively travelled to Poland to recruit graduates. He simply put an advert in a Polish newspaper and waited for the applications to roll in. Then flew to Poland to interview them. Mainly because they were cheaper and also more readily available.

  24. #24
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    That doesn't help our children.

    Mine are a match for any East Europeans in their age group.

    Hard-working, punctual, honest and well-mannered.

    The selfish and short-sighted action of British employers does nothing to help the British people as a whole. There is more to leading a happy and contended life here than being able to provide minimal services at minimum prices or manufacturing trash to compete with other trash.

    There are plenty of people in this country perfectly capable of driving a bus or training to be plumbers etc.

    All that's required is a bit of imagination and in a lot of cases letting go of such habits as ageism....illegal now, but of course still widely practised in this country.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    That doesn't help our children.

    Mine are a match for any East Europeans in their age group.

    Hard-working, punctual, honest and well-mannered.

    The selfish anhYd short-sighted action of British employers does nothing to help the British people as a whole. There is more to leading a happy and contended life here than being able to provide minimal services at minimum prices or manufacturing trash to compete with other trash.

    There are plenty of people in this country perfectly capable of driving a bus or training to be plumbers etc.

    All that's required is a bit of imagination and in a lot of cases letting go of such habits as ageism....illegal now, but of course still widely practised in this country.
    I agree with all Graham, apart from your last sentence .....compared to the Philippines we are light years away from being an ageist wife couldn't believe her eyes at our local tesco and comparing that to where she worked in Philippines..the employees were all shapes sizes and colours....and this from a company who exploit the new European labour market.

    The welfare system doesn't doesn't give incentive to a few...this is where the new Europeans cash in...the minimum wage here is big money over there..many live like a'church mouse' here then, sent it all back....I dont blame them... I did likewise back in the 90's.

  26. #26
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    how can we get unemployed into work when there given money for nothing sit on there ass all day drinking beer takeing drugs give them food stamps they will soon start looking for work unless the local drug dealer takes them and why should they go to work free rent money we that work have to pay rent morgage we work for it ive nothing wrong with some who cant work ie ill or unable but more than not over 90%can but wont work

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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    how can we get unemployed into work when there given money for nothing sit on there ass all day drinking beer takeing drugs give them food stamps they will soon start looking for work unless the local drug dealer takes them and why should they go to work free rent money we that work have to pay rent morgage we work for it ive nothing wrong with some who cant work ie ill or unable but more than not over 90%can but wont work
    There are also hundreds of thousands of perfectly decent people signing on, but maybe in need of re-training.
    Mostly OLDER people.

    I worked at the dole office for a few years so I know the score.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    how can we get unemployed into work when there given money for nothing sit on there ass all day drinking beer takeing drugs give them food stamps they will soon start looking for work unless the local drug dealer takes them and why should they go to work free rent money we that work have to pay rent morgage we work for it ive nothing wrong with some who cant work ie ill or unable but more than not over 90%can but wont work
    Nothing wrong with the food stamps idea

    My parents had ration books after the war and that went on for years....although well before my time.

    Like you said, money spent where it should , on the family , not down the boozer.

  29. #29
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Like I have said before. Politicians and businessmen have ruined the country.

  30. #30
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    Yep, I'd go with food stamps.

    They used to give milk tokens at one time.

    Of course very few people in this country know the meaning of TRUE hardship.

    To a lot on benefits it perhaps means having to cut down on cable TV channels.

    However, there is a big difference between the unemployed and the out and out parasites.

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