Promises promises....always promises from losers in opposition.

The very fools who totally underestimated the consequences of their naive actions back in 2004.

I've given up listening to their pathetic bleatings.

The country (as traditionally was) is lost and no amount of upbeat comments about how we've ALL benefited from the free movement of labour, global economy etc will persuade me otherwise.

I see 2.6 million+ unemployed, our country and most of the others in Europe virtually bankrupt, while we scurry around the wonderful global economy (or should that be global debt machine ? ) looking for crumbs and scraps from medieval oil-producers and Communist China.

If we'd educated our children properly, trained them in the right skills and consumed as well as exported our own goods, we might not be in such a sorry state.
The British have sadly only got themselves to blame through repeatedly electing corrupt self-serving career incompetents.